Sunday, November 27, 2011
Know Your Rights!
Proverbs 28:1 states, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Living the life as a follower of Christ, we are bound to, if not daily face challenges that will help equip and mold us into the fearless, confident, and wise people that God needs to impact the world around us.
We recently began to venture into the extreme couponing phenomenon. This past weekend, there was a deal too good to be true at CVS. However, all of the sale items were of course gone with the black Friday rush. In an attempt to obtain rainchecks for the items that we wanted, the manager of the store insisted that rainchecks could not be written for “free” items. I politely walked out and said no problem. That did not settle. In the back of my mind, I knew in part based on prior research that rainchecks for advertised items could be written. I grabbed the Mac book as soon as I got in the house and pulled up CVS’ raincheck policy to be sure. To conclude, after going back to the store with the Mac book in hand and respectfully speaking with the manager, we received our rainchecks. Not fully knowing the rights of an extreme couponer, the boldness to obtain the rainchecks initially was not there. This left me with an uneasy feeling and inquiring God about the lesson in this.
After this incident, the Holy Spirit began to show us when we know our “rights” firsthand as a son and daughter of God, we can stand up to any adversity boldly and withstand it all. Adversity can come in many different forms including but not limited to: sin, insecurity, depression, lack, suicidal thoughts, instability, addictions of all kinds, sickness and disease. We tend to settle for and accept lies more so than we should because we simply do not know enough Truth to counteract them. We shall know the truth and truth shall set us free is what Jesus declares. A victory can be readily attained when we exalt the Truths of the Word of God over the lies and even facts that are heavenly lies presented to us. In order to exalt the Truth, we have to recognize the lie and be aggressive in our faith. We have to stop settling for any report or thought that is not God’s. When we are in this place, we are indeed the battle axe and weapons of war that God needs us to be in this earth, undefeated! (Jer. 51:20)
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Confidence in Battle
Spiritual battles come in many different forms and for multiple reasons. You always know when you are under attack but you may not necessarily understand why at first or most times until the end. The bible does state however, that understanding shall come to those who seek God. God is always strengthening and preparing His people to better serve for His kingdom. When heaven is moving, the kingdom of darkness immediately tries to scream louder to distract us from what God is getting to us or doing in us. Hence, a spiritual battle.
There is a confidence in God that can be developed while going through any spiritual battle that comes. 1 John 3:21 assures us that we can have confidence toward God, when our heart does not condemn us. Condemnation is from the enemy, the devil and it comes when we have missed the mark, or sinned and it hinders our confidence in God because we are constantly being reminded of what we did by the accuser of the brethren. On the other hand, when the attack that we are experiencing is a result of us seeking God’s face to do His will as well as to be changed to fulfill all that He has for us and have repented of our sins this is when we can be confident that God will see us through to victory.
In addition to a repented heart and seeking God’s face, demonstrating the love of Christ to all individuals, especially those who are being used to directly attack us is an absolute must. Love covers a multitude of sins, even our own. We have to be completely dependent upon God’s power, wisdom and ability in us and face every situation with all humility in mind. When we are high minded (self confident), God cannot be glorified and we will lose. Asking God fervently for a perfect heart so that our motives and intentions are always pure (which will help us from stumbling) is always pleasing in God’s sight, for God searches and tries the heart of man. In essence, obedience to the Word and voice of God and trusting Him throughout the battle is the ultimate key to success in every battle. It is then that we can walk away from the victory rejoicing because we were counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus’ name. (Acts 5:41)
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saying and Believing the Right Thing
Romans 10:9-10 states, "9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Yes, it's this simple! By the Spirit of God this revelation of the power and simplicity of salvation will be made known to you. With our hearts we believe, not our heads. Our heads(minds) can get in the way because it was created to analyze and think things through. The love of God through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ is far too incomprehensible for us to fathom in our mind. This is why it must be a heart decision. The heart is the very core of our spirit which connects with God when we personalize this scripture. Once this connection is made we encounter God and our lives are never the same. When we believe from our hearts that Jesus was raised from the dead, we now enter a place of victory. Jesus' resurrection entails, defeat of the enemy (the devil), the enemy (our flesh), and anything on this earth and out of this world. For the bible states, there is not one thing that has not been placed under the feet and name of Jesus! What an assurance!
In addition to the belief from the heart, notice how we must confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord. This lordship now signifies that Jesus and His word now have the final say so in our lives. We no longer are in control doing what we want, but we must be sensitive to God, His Spirit and His Word to truly experience the life more abundant that Jesus speaks of. We began our relationship with God and now have eternal life to look forward to through Jesus by confessing with our mouths and became saved. Continuing to confess the right things will allow us to stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord in our everyday lives. I am not saying to confess scripture for our own selfish intent or in an unwillingness to let God be God in our lives (that's what the world does unknowingly with positive confessions; they've gotten a hold of this principle and are seeing results without acknowledging the Source). However, saying what God says in every situation is the confession that allows us to see salvation ( God intervening) in everything and God gets the glory. What it took to become saved initially, is what keeps us saved and walking in total victory.
Always in love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Why is it that once we become saved and God's grace takes us from where we were to a place that we can now see things a little bit clearer that we most times begin to try to perfect ourselves or look for others to be perfect? It's not okay to live sloppily and expect God to "understand." However, we should be seeking Him and earnestly desiring His power and grace to continue to mature us. Desiring the sincere milk of the Word of God will also empower us to live according to His standards.
We have to get and remain in that place where we are completely and totally reliant upon God and His help through our indwelling Helper, the Holy Spirit. No flesh will glory in God's presence and the minute we get arrogant enough to even think we can do anything in our own strength is when God resists us. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. We need His grace, therefore we must maintain an attitude of humility.
God's ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours and when we contiuously attempt to obtain His standards of living now in Him in our own ability, we truly see how far short we come. This ultimately shows our need for our God and His love.
Thank God for His love shown on the cross through the surrendering of His dear Son!
Thank God for His faithfulness to help us!
Thank God He is the Lord our God who is gracious to us!
Thank God for His perfect love!
God is not requiring for us to be perfect in this life. He is searching for a perfect heart, one that is always longing for Him and His ways. Serve God daily with a perfect heart and a willing mind in everything you do. Inquire of this heart through Him.
"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." Ez. 36:26-27
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dragging your feet...
I remember a while ago being empowered by a statement like this: "The definition of hell on earth is the person who you are now, seeing the person you could have been, walk right in front of you." Oooouuuchhh. This statement alone has kept me motivated during my most trying times.
My Pastor said get off the sidelines and get in the game today during service. Now of course his purpose was to inspire the church to stop sitting on their hands and waiting for someone else to do it. God's gifts are given without repentance but I'm pretty sure God is upset when we abuse or not use them at all. And this surely applies to all walks of life as well.
We have been a part of many organized athletic teams and none of them compare to this Spiritual team that we are a part of now. People are so different and gifted in more ways than I can count and because of this phenomenon we can universally function better with diversity.
The church suffers a million deaths a day when pieces of the puzzle are missing. What I mean by missing puzzle pieces is; each one of our talents serve a purpose here on earth and when we selfishly hoard them other people unnecessarily suffer. What's even greater is that these gifts work in your work place as well as in the body... yippee! So now there is no excuse for the dragging of your feet.
If you have gifts lying dormant in you and you know that you are supposed to be doing or creating something please begin with asking God to clearly show you the first step in the right direction and then get moving. So don't give yourself time to him and haw about anything because you don't want to be the person saying "hey that was my idea or I was going to start that business."
Remember "On the other side of your obedience are souls waiting"
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Monday, September 19, 2011
Continual Flow
Ever feel drained or spiritually empty? Sometimes it may seem as though the presence of the Living God is right in hands reach and at times so distant. What causes this unstable awareness? Sure, we know God is with us always according to the words of Jesus, "And lo, I am with you always, even until the ends of the earth." We take His word by faith and it keeps us grounded in Him. But what about that place of continual fellowship and communion with God Himself? The position that Adam lossed, but Christ regained? Lots of questions, simple answer.
God requires us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. The word seek in the Greek means "to be about." This tells us we are to go about our daily activities in pursuit of Him and His ways. This entails but is not limited to: Deliberately going out of our way to do a kind, unselfish deed for someone in need; Being instant in prayer in every circumstance that arises; Magnifying who God is over situations that occur. I believe that once our hearts are purposed to follow what God has commanded for us to do in His word, then our relational experience with Him is heightened.
In John 14, Jesus tells us that He knows that we love Him when we keep His words. This is when God loves us and He and the Son come unto us and make their abode with us. In essence, it is impossible to obtain or maintain for that matter, a spiritual relish and knowing that God is always right in hands reach if we are not attempting to do what He requires of us continually regardless of how we feel. The opportunity to have that closeness where God makes us His dwelling place has been purchased at the cross. God is waiting for us to take claim of it and do what it takes to remain steadfast in it.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Sunday, September 11, 2011
In our world today, both personal and globally too many voices are screaming to be heard the loudest in us. The cries of entertainment, family issues, work, ministry, lies from the enemy and all other "busies" encountered on a daily basis are grasping our attention most times, for longer than they should. When all these voices are echoing in us consistently for too long, it is then extremely difficult to hear the Voice of Truth that is able to assist us in our lives wisely, peacefully, and victoriously.
God is a god who loves to guide His children in the light of His Truth according to His plan that He has set out for us. Think of the children of Israel where God used a pillar of fire by night and and cloud by day to lead them into the promise land. Too, Jesus' analogy of being the Great Shepherd (shepherd's guide their sheep into safety). What is even better after the resurrection of our Redeemer is the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth, shows us things to come, teaches us all things and brings things back into our remembrance. Wow, we have the greatest Source of Power now living in us! This is phenomenal! The only problem is how do we recognize the promptings and leadings of God through the Holy Spirit when the tugs of everything else is penetrating our souls and overpowering our spirit where God speaks to us?
We have to be aware of in addition to the screeches of life's pressures, there is a true battle in our mind and in the spirit realm to be heard and followed. The voice of our flesh and the enemy are at war with the Voice of God attempting to guide us in the right path. This is why it is imperative for us to die to the flesh daily and be quick to cast down vain imaginations, high things (thoughts, voices, lies from the enemy) that try to make its voice louder than the truth and knowledge of God. The wisdom to distinguish these thoughts (voices) can also be given to us when asked in faith without wavering in order to be able to hear the voice of God instructing us when we turn to the left and when we turn to the right (Is 30:21). God is always leading us. Are you following this week?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Problem Solving pt.2
The family structure is the most targeted organization on the planet. The enemy has one motive and that is to pervert anything that God created or spoke. This is why the enemy thrives to trick men in not being men in every aspect of being a man. Too often have I encountered women that want to be men and in some cases are more manlier than most men (SCARY).
The enemy knows that if you kill the head then the body will die. The head is vital to directing the body. Have you ever noticed that everything on the head is essential to leading a safe and productive life. Without any one function of the head operating normal, life would be difficult. Your eyes, ears, mouth and nose all play an important role in day to day affairs and so does a man, father or husband to a family.
Now the man is called to be the head and not the dictator and he is no more important than a woman is. A quick way of finding this out is to observe a person with no arms or feet or any other lower extremity. It is very hard to lead a normal life with any body part missing and likewise the family with parts missing.
Till All Know,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Problem Solving pt.1
After discussing the state of well being in which our society is in (mainly the the younger branch) I began pondering on what was the number one issue that is plaguing our nation. "
Problem solving is one of my strengths that I thank God for always. The main reason I love science so much is the fact that one can use their God given talents to discover things that maybe unseen to the average person through certain methods and eliminating processes (otherwise known as problem solving.)
I remember a line in a movie that went "If you want the right answer you must first ask the right question," man can you say WOW backwards. So with this in mind I began to further ponder on this plague and ask questions to lead me in the direction of the root of the problem.
Once I narrowed the problem down to this point so many other avenues of, "how did we get to this point" began to arise and it was some what difficult to hone in on one thing but here it is.
Number one on my list was the utter disrespect and lack of regard most people have towards God. My Pastor said this today and I find it to be extremely true, " If you understand your righteous position and what sacrifice was made for you to obtain it then you wouldn't want to do anything to displease God the Father.
So often my wife and I deal with college age kids battling with their flesh (typical at this age) that fall into a stage of rebellion because of the guilt from sins they committed. At this point all we do is help them understand who God is and present a better picture of what love and respect toward our Father really entails.
This is a very difficult task to take on when they majority of students we deal with come from broken homes. The reason I say this is, God designed the family structure to be a symbol of His greatness and to resemble the order in Heaven and the most attacked structure in the world is the family. It is very difficult to respect a father you don't see when you don't have a chance to practice with one you can see.
I strongly believe if we fix the family structure one at a time that we will eliminate a huge amount of non-sense infecting our world and only God can help us with this task.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Galileo "Science vs. God"
Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. I recently viewed a documentary outlining some major events in Galileo's life and noticed some interesting details pertaining to science vs. God.
Galileo was not out to disprove the word of God or the existence of God through science (which means "The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.") but rather utilizing the gifts that God endowed him to discover the errors in history like the Sun rotated around the earth. Now this maybe a grain of rice to some people but to the church officials during that era it was considered a dangerous heresy.
One might say why do you say that, well for instance the story of Joshua (funny because before going to Church I watched this documentary and during service my Pastor mentioned this story...LOL) commanding the Sun to stand still (Joshua 10:12) and Hezekiah with the Sun going backwards (2Kings 20:9-11) would claim that the scripture would be lying. I wouldn't say lying but sheer misinterpretation that's all.
We now know that Galileo was right in stating that the Earth rotates around the Sun but what we fail to realize is Galileo's passion for God. Yes he drank to much and was a bit arrogant and not to mention a man with 3 illegitimate children but he who is with out sin cast the first brick.
Minds like this during his time were threatened with death by fire and other forms of torture leading to death. Today isn't quite the same with all of the torture and stuff but what does happen to clear Spirit Lead thinkers is alienation.
I believe that God is always speaking and revealing things to those who are busy about the "Kingdoms Business" and not their own. Lets make one thing very clear, I believe in science but I do not believe in science that discredits God.
Science was granted to us for the understanding of the world we live in and not to understand the One who created it. ( though you can learn a lot about a creator by studying their creation)
God gave us these eyes to observe things and this brain to understand what we observe. This is why non Spirit Lead intellectuals always run into a snag because they are trying to make sense of something infinite through something that is finite (NOT SMART).
I pray that one day we all can be at peace with one another and eradicate all indifference's but I guess at the rate we are going the only hope is in the day of the great return of our Lord and Savior.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Right Workout
There are a plethora of benefits in working out the physical body. In spite of the pain that must be endured to get to that place of strength or fitness desired by the individual, we can all admit that the long term rewards supercede this weakness that is simply leaving our body (definition of pain). An increase in energy, our ability to think creatively heightens and the fact of knowing you are on the right track health wise makes it all worthwhile. In essence, exercising has been proven in more ways than one to increase the longevitity of the human lifespan.
This is what we all desire. To live a long life free of health complications. It is our responsiblity to be stewards over our physical body as it is the temple in which the Spirit of God dwells (1 Cor 6:19). Too often, more emphasis is placed on "getting fit" physically and looking "good" that it is easy to forget the real "muscle" that should be exercised more readily. 1 Timothy 4:8 reminds us, "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." Working out should not be diminished altogether but should always be kept in perspective.
A healthy balance is the key to life. How do we exercise godliness then? First, being godly and then doing it. You have to be before you can do. Studying the Word, meditating on it and asking God to take away things that are not like Him and to make you more like Him is the initial step to becoming godly. Once this is who you have become, the doing part is easy because that's all you know to do.
Becoming godly is essential because the godly is who God is preserving to be used by Him. God does not necessarily need the physical strength of a person to show Himself mighty through. In fact, He tends to use the exact opposite. Selah (pause and think on this).
"We are always spreading the gospel, if we have to, use words."
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
"The Adult Children of Our Government"
Lets join our efforts in a unified prayer for the childishness to stop in every facet of our government. The word of God does say to pray for those who are in authority (government) over us and I know God is not pleased with the way we have governed ourselves thus far. So, lets stop the immature complaining and cut throat blame games and commence praying. I will start and you add whatever God leads you to pray:
Our Father in Heaven how great you are, I pray that the order and structure that you promised us in your word comes to pass. Lord we desperately depend on you and your involvement in these earthly affairs such as government. Lord I pray that you turn the hearts of everyone with the power to make decisions on behalf of your people toward you and your plan. Lord help us to see past each others faults and rid us of selfishness and greed. Please help us to glorify you with our unity. Please remind everyone that we are all human first and everything else such as social class and political preference only promotes division. Lord help our leaders back to a lifestyle of prayer and communion with you before any decisions are made. Please restore our vision and spiritual relish towards peace. Let it be on earth as it is in Heaven, Amen...
Monday, July 25, 2011
This is a monstrous topic to tackle in a few paragraphs but very necessary though. We are in the process of opening or shall we say starting what will be the beginning of a new wave of schooling. For a long time homeschooling has received its fair share of academic beat downs coupled with social misinterpretations. We on the other hand have always heard of rumors like such: "homeschooling is for those religious weirdos" or "your child will not have social skills" or "homeschooling is for the slow kids that could not make it in the public school system." Though these statements maybe true to some extent but more could be said negatively about the public school system.
We know of a few instances where home-schooled children do fall in anyone of these three categories mentioned above but we also know of some home-schooled students that have defied and superseded these categories by astronomical numbers. Everything rises and falls on a number of things (too many to list) but the most important of them all is whether or not God is involved with the homeschool education process. Successful homeschooling also requires a superb support team in order to reap the full benefits of the home school experience.
While performing some secondary research we have found that many families and individuals would prefer homeschooling over public schooling any day of the week but other issues arise that hinder the preferred choice of education i.e. both parents have to work, not enough money and many parents don't feel competent enough to teach their own children.
At Reign Homeschooling Academy our job is to dispel any excuse for not taking ownership of your child's academic well-being. For starters our school is designed to reform the family structure through academics. As a whole we will start with painting a picture of how important parents are to their child's successful matriculation as well as requiring 100% parental involvement and ownership.
For too long we have stood on the sidelines and watched the enemy rip our families a part and indoctrinate our children through this system of public education. God is no where near these systems and this is why they perform the way they do. Most parents are so over stressed with work until they can't see the demise of destruction by sending their children to public schools to hear stories of evolution (which is actually a religion because you have to believe that it is true but no one will admit it) and immoral teachers for 6.5 hours a day.
It's time that we become more serious about education and putting God back at the center of it. We know of great God fearing teachers in the public school system but their hands are legally tied to what they can say or do pertaining to God but its okay to promote safe sex in elementary schools though.
Lets put an end to handing our children over to satan for a whole day hoping that he will be nice to them. Support us and our efforts to prepare this remnant generation to glorify and fulfill their God given purpose on this earth.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
He IS Good!
"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man who trusteth in Him." (Ps. 34:8) Have you ever experienced the goodness of God? If your answer is no, then allow me to bring an awareness to you of this goodness that is given by God. You may be saying to yourself, "Good, ha! Everything in my life right now is going downhill and if one more thing adds itself to my plate then I will be completely drowned!" When things get overwhelming in such a way, it will be extremely difficult to see the good that God is doing for us on a daily basis. To start, those burdens that you carry have to be handed over to Jesus as He instructs us to come unto Him with these heavy loads and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28-30). That sounds Good to me!
In addition to God through His Son taking on our burdens in exchange for His lighter ones, when we began to truly seek God for who He is and not just for what He can do for us, the goodness that we will experience will undoubtedly change our outlook forever. Lamentations 3:25-26 declares that the Lord is good to them who waits on Him and seeks Him. Experiencing God's goodness does not have to start with us seeking Him, but His goodness will definitely draw us closer to Him. It is indeed the goodness of God that leads us to a state of repentance (Romans 2:4).
This has been experienced in our lives as we recently had a moment to reflect on what has been taking place in our lives and all we can say in one accord is "God has been Good to us!" We, to the best of our ability try to put God first in everything and we are not even close to perfect, but God desires our hearts to be perfect toward Him and this is what we strive to offer up to God daily. (See Ps. 101:2-3). Mistakes, we make them but we do not practice wrong doing. I said that to say that even in the midst of things in our lives not always lining up to God's standards we are experiencing God's goodness in ways we can not even describe. It is, however, drawing us closer to Him for Him to make us more like Him so that our lives will glorify Him. It is and will always be about God!
Today and everyday, begin looking for God demonstrating His goodness in your life. It may not at first be a car given to you or material things for that matter, but it can be a peace that comes over you when otherwise you would have lost it. Begin to thank God for His goodness towards you even in the little things. We will then be able to exhalt His name together for all the good He is doing.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Excited to Love
Can you say that you are eager to wait patiently when things should've gone differently or say something kind to the rude person who just fussed you out for no apparent reason? If you're answer is no, then we both have something in common. At least, this was my outlook at one point. Walking in love is always an ongoing work in progress for each of us. I believe we can, however, get to that place where we can love unconditionally (whether they deserved it or not, tough to do!) and do it well. There are multiple levels in this, but I believe if it is our earnest desire to be conformed to the image of Yeshua (Jesus), then God will graciously assist and most importantly teach us how to love like Him.
I have learned thus far, in order to even come close to the level of love displayed by Yeshua (laying your life down for someone else, the greatest love that can ever be displayed) that we have to first and foremost fully receive His love for us. This means know and believe that you have been forgiven by Yeshua through His love demonstrated on the cross( still not an excuse to do what thou wilt). Instead, make this love a reason even more to live a life to the best of your ability that pleases God in everything. Not to go off on a tangent, but this point is critical.
"Let your love keep my will upon it's knee" is a line in Hillsong's "Like Incense." This is a continual prayer of mine because at this place where God's will is being adhered to and not our own, we are free to truly enter into that state of love we thought was unlikely. God's will is for us to love Him and our neighbors as ourselves.
Daily look for ways to put others before you and then do it! This is the beginning of laying our lives down for others. As we purposely accomplish this and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance in meeting the needs of others, the measure in which we love others will grow immensely. Getting good at walking in the Spirit (simply walking in ways that are opposite of the flesh, like being kind, joyful, peaceful, etc see Gal 5:19:23) is a task worth shooting for as it goes hand in hand with our love walk. The rewards at each level of growth in loving others compels you to strive for the next level forward.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Spending Time Wisely
Through the journey of life and the seasons that we experience we have to learn how to invest each moment wisely. What this means is even if the season is rough or smooth sailing, we should value the time we have with our family and friends. Of course, this is not as easy to do when you really do not understand why the circumstance is unfolding the way it is. We have to keep our focus on what matters in life through everything. Our relationship with God, family, and friends should never fall off but in every situation look for ways to enhance our closeness.
During this summer, we have had the opportunity to spend valuable time with family and have been having fun times with friends and neighbors. This has made everything else that we are preparing for even more enjoyable and worthwhile. We are thankful for both our family and friends and each time we get to visit them or vice versa, it is always refreshing. That is what it should be. If you say other wise, keep in mind everything in life is always what we make of it.
The key component that has our outlook on this matter is the fact that we know God is in the midst loving in us and through us. He has been going before us and has been with us in every experience (Joshua 1:9). We have purposed in our hearts to make the best of every moment and God has given us the grace, faith, and that unspeakable joy even in the not so great situations. With this, the next opportunity you are given to spend time with family or friends (perhaps today as it is Independence Day), for a brief moment stop and give thanks to God. Then, quietly listen to His voice to see what you can contribute to the moment to make it a memorable occasion.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Cleanliness is Next to...
CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS - "This ancient proverb is said by some to have come from ancient Hebrew writings. However, its first appearance in English - though in slightly altered form - seems to be in the writings of Francis Bacon. In his 'Advancement of Learning' he wrote: 'Cleanness of body was ever deemed to proceed from a due reverence to God.' Near two centuries later John Wesley in one of his sermons indicated that the proverb was already well known in the form we use today. Wrote Wesley: 'Slovenliness is no part of religion.'Cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness.'" (The Phrase Finder)
Cleanliness can indeed transcend the natural and super impose its self upon the spiritual. Boy ole boy, I must say that there is nothing like a clean house. My wife and I just thoroughly cleaned the house top to bottom and it almost felt Heavenly afterward. The real miracle is in keeping it clean...LOL. Our children noticed the next morning that we'd cleaned the house and said, "wow, we have a new refrigerator and it smells good in here too!" We have some amazingly funny children and basically what they were trying to convey to us is, "wow, you guys should clean like this more often" Not Funny! Most busy people that I know and have visited their home will say, "hey I use to stress my self out about keeping the house spotless in the middle of a hectic schedule but not anymore because I am not trying to impress anyone anymore! It will get cleaned when it gets cleaned." Trust and know that we know the feeling of going through a full day non stop to come home late at night to an un-Godly odor from something in the trash, a sink full of dishes, dirty kitchen floor, piles of dirty clothes, and oh yeah we HAVEN"T HAD ANYTHING TO EAT YET so to top it all off dinner must be prepared, ha! Can I get an AMEN?
What's the funniest is that it seems as if everyone unexpectedly visits your home after the tornado has passed through it. But we do understand the importance of cleanliness (not OCD) and how most times it is a reflection of what is on the inside of a person. Now the last sentence can definitely die the death of a thousand qualifications but the true underlying statement is this: God desires for us to be clean, spiritually , mentally and physically, no matter how hard it is to scrub ourselves off of the floor or the time it takes to do so. Why? because He is clean and we are His children, created in His Image according to His likeness so in essence it is our duty to persistently become more like God.
My Uncle in Miami mentioned to me, "most companies that have business names with God on them or anything closely related to Christianity are usually the most un-appealing and dingiest" this is sad and often times true and the same could be reversed and said about a business with a secular name. For some odd reason, I strongly believe that subconsciously everyone (spiritual or not) knows an unclean entity that has a Godly name is a shame. What's more strange is that most people can't explain why they hold the Godly entity to such a higher standard than the rest.
This in other words proves our point how cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, June 20, 2011
We have recently celebrated a special holiday to me called "Fathers Day" and I truly feel it is under represented and apathetically appreciated. Church attendance was very low and it could be that people visited their fathers place of worship or whatever else but on Mothers day the service was packed to the limit. I really don't understand this phenomenon to the fullest but what I do know is our Father in Heaven created men to be Fathers just like Him. The adversary is constantly beating down the family structure door and more than not he is successful in destroying the head and allowing the body to run freely. I made a promise to God while in High School that if He allowed me to have a son that I would never neglect him like my father did me. Now, I am no way angry with my earthly father, we mended those differences a while ago and for the record I Love my Dad. Truth be told neglect is still neglect though and a lot of stuff happened in my life that should not have, had my dad been there to protect me and ward away foolishness. Fathers are extremely important in establishing a child's identity and I did struggle for a while searching for who I am. Now this isn't a issue because I found myself in God through Jesus. But I must say that God kept His end of the deal by blessing me with a son and I can humbly say that I am keeping my end as well. Though I was a youngster when my mom and dad decided it was best for my sister and I to live with my grandparents, deep below the surface of my heart and mind I knew something wasn't right. For some time fatherlessness plagued me but thank God for some consistent grandparents grudgingly taking responsibility for 2 little ones well after the completion of their parental duties. I only wish men truly understood the importance of their role in the family schematics and not only the role of being a reproduction partner.
I want to try and make next year fathers day more powerful than this year by raising the fatherhood bar and helping other men recognize their importance. Help me help the men of this planet if you Love our God and value your future.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, June 13, 2011
A Bond Like No Other
Just think, family bonds are the one thing that God created since the beginning of this earth that has been an ongoing battle to maintain and still remains in existence today. In the original family consisting of Adam and Eve and their offspring, we have the instance where Cain became envious of Abel and murdered him. Then God, graced Adam and Eve with another son, Seth in which Noah and his family derived. Jesus’ family is another example, when God instructed Joseph to leave Bethlehem so that the king could not kill their son. There are multiples more where attempts were made to dysfunctionally ruin the family structure and God turns what was meant to destruct into something so great that only He could get glory for. He is the Lord God who restores and maintains. (Nehemiah 5:11-12; Psalm 17:8)
We were just with our families for a week. It is a pleasure to leave our home town full of gratitude for being able to spend time with our families and reminiscing of the olden days. There were lots of up moments and there were instances where we looked at each other and said “Just pray!” There is a true fight to, if our families are not already won for the kingdom to display the love of Yeshua (Jesus), and to help maintain their salvation if they’ve already committed their hearts to God. We are determined to first strengthen and maintain the bond of our home and an extension of this evident love will affect our distant families. Regardless of how torn apart your family may be at this time, close or distant, God when He is entrusted to do so, can miraculously restore anything that was destructed. We can personally attest to this fact as God has done a reconstruction in the two of us. Because we did not stop fighting, we are beginning to see marriages in our family that at one point looked hopeless, be reunited. Glory to God!
In essence, family regardless of how broken or distant, is the most important bond that God has placed together. He is more than powerful enough to restore, reunite, and most importantly maintain our family bonds as we have seen since the beginning of time and even in our lives today. It is our job to fight to do whatever it takes (in love) to see this power within our family bonds.
Monday, June 6, 2011
A house divided can not stand is a well known quote from the Word of God. Too many times we allow the enemy to come in our hearts and minds and tear down the earthly strength that we should always be able to lean upon, our family. Oftentimes, this division comes in the form of envy( comparing ones successes with another), hate( feeling like one was treated better than you were), evil speaking, neglecting to pray and selfishness. When thoughts like such enter into our minds and we do not cast it down it then takes a root in our hearts. Once in our hearts, we then began to act on these false feelings that we have left room for entry. This then, breads unforgiveness. As easy as it is to read about forgiveness in the bible and even memorize it (forgive so that your Father in heaven can forgive you), it is not that simple applying it. When someone has done you wrong, especially ones you love and were once close to it is even more difficult to forgive them. We take it personal. We have to come to the place for the sake of our family, however, to look pass the fault and with a true heart of forgiveness ask God to forgive you and forgive the offender as well as a stronger heart to be able to forgive more readily in any situation. Differences will always be amongst our family, but the most prevalent commonality should be a willingness to forgive one another. The beauty and the rewards that are found in a family who knows how to forgive one anothers faults are bountiful.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thank You Lord for My Family
We tend to neglect or not pay any attention to the ones that are the closest to us sometimes vicariously and other times intentionally. We are no strangers to this anomaly simply because we are often incapacitated by our busy lives. Family can be liken to a garden, it has the potential to be tremendously rewarding if tended to regularly but if neglected it can be bothersome and grow out of control. We are truly thankful for the ones we can call our own. From our children to our parents and everyone else in between we cherish the fact that they are blood relatives and that nothing can change it, even if they aggravate the tarnations out of us. One day our children were enlightening us with an interesting role play of the Roman soldiers beating Jesus with the cat of nine tails and after long consideration as to what made them want to choose this to play we said to ourselves "Thank God they are playing this and not something else that is degrading to the family structure". But one thing we must state is that we do not neglect our children and as a result of this we can't help but understand why they chose to play this and it is because its what we instill in them and demonstrate to them on a day to day basis. This upcoming weekend is highly anticipated for us, reason being is because we are heading home to Miami for a week long vacation to invest quality time with our love ones. We have been horrible in this department for a while and we have no one to blame but ourselves but thank the Lord for second chances. So if you have breath in your bodies please make an extra effort to demonstrate your love for you family every chance that is alloted to you.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Giving It All You Got!
I can remember my high school football coach telling me " Leave it all on the field Myers cause the measure in which you slack off is the measure in which you will get beat by". This principle is applicable to all areas of life especially the area of spirituality. My wife and I have discovered that when we give our all to God, He in return never ceases to amaze us with His generosity. Though we don't fully deserve it, I believe God sees our obedience and willing heart and looks past the short comings in order to show us His goodness. Think about Abraham. The Bible shares with us how Abraham had instances where he partially obeyed God, like the conception of Ishmael when the promise was Isaac (Gen 16:15). This disobedience costed Abraham, but the promise of nations was still carried out as Abraham drew closer to God and willingly gave God his whole self when he offered up Isaac (Gen 18:33). Will our obedience be easy? Absolutely not! Although, we can, pray for the right heart, seek God diligently, and become a doer of His Word. To add, we have a Messiah who was faultless on this earth, but was still faced with the same temptations as we are today and as Abraham was in the old testament( Gen 22:1, Heb 4:15). Jesus also had to come to the place of surrendering His will before fulfilling His assignment as the Lamb of God. In everything, we are required to also surrender our all for the sake of God being glorified in our lives today. With a true repented heart, much assurance of faith, and a continual fellowship with our Father God will assist us with understanding how and why we are to give of ourselves just as God through Jesus, gave us all that He had. In addition to giving up our own will, it is time out for getting caught up with the cares of this world. We tend to put more value in people and things on this temporal earth rather than becoming fully persuaded to the fact that we are mere pilgrims on this earth passing through. It is imperative to the present day church and generations to come to God and give Him ALL that you have.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Heart of the Author
The Heart of the Author always follows his/her creation. I would find it rather strange if I were to start receiving one of Kirk Franklin's royalty checks especially when I had no part in creating any of his music. I believe that Kirk Franklin would be upset for the most part because he put a lot of hard work into his projects and he probably would want his just due. God is called the Author and Finisher of our Faith (Heb 12:2) and gets very upset when He does not receive the credit for us His creation. Many people have allowed their 3 1/2 pound brain to trick them into believing that rain and primordial soup is our origination and as I typed this statement I felt as if I lost two points of my I.Q. because this simply doesn't make any common or uncommon sense. Every statement of evolution in text books and in conversations I have partaken in dies the death of a thousand qualifications. The sad part is that most evolutionist wont admit that the evolution theory is based upon believing that it is true and not upon factual data (especially not the fabricated stuff). We followers of Yeshua have no problem admitting that we walk by faith and believe in God's written and spoken word. Evolution, based upon what I have deduced, is nothing but a closet religion hiding behind the mask of science. The definition of science is: The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Notice what words this definition did not use like: guess, assume, believe etc. What's more sad is that our public schools have bought into this manipulative plan and deemed this religion as science not realizing that they are single handedly responsible for the destruction of many minds or are the major players behind the scene fully aware of what is happening.
I pray we become wiser and less apathetic to things like this. Even if you don't understand a word in this blog, please understand that God's heart is saddened when we give credit to another being especially the perpetrator doesn't have the ability to create anything. Do your homework on this matter and I hope that your heart is convicted to do something about it. In a true court of law this case would be dismissed on the grounds of lack of solid evidence. When was the last time we witnessed a human deriving from ooze or better yet transitioning from a crawling monkey into a standing man and please don't fall for that ole million years cop-out (thats just their way of covering up how much they don't know and making it seem as if they do know what they are talking about... politicians call that filibustering "a pretty car with no engine"). I am doing my part in taking a stance on this matter how about you?
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Servant to All
The Bible states how the wisdom of this world is foolishness (stupidity) to God. Simply put, but in so many ways this statement is profound. What makes sense to us in the natural is so far from what God has in mind in order to receive the assistance of heaven on earth. For instance, when we appear to lack the necessary finances to pay our tithe and all of the rest of the bills, the first thought would be to pay the bills off and God will be alright. Well, God states to give, and it will be given back to you as well as to pay your tithes and prove God, that He won't open up the windows of heaven and meet your need abundantly. So a portion of what is already lacking has to be given away in obedience in order for God to meet the need.
In addition to giving according to God's standards, the same is true when it comes to being considered "great" in our society. A king or someone who is wealthy and well known is more than likely being waited on hand and foot. Because of their status, this may seem appropriate. However, this does not apply to us, as followers of Yeshua (Jesus). It will appear that once we have served in a ministry for sometime, made great accomplishments for the Kingdom of God, that we deserve a right to now be treated with prestige. Mark 10:43-45 states, "43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: 44And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." The word minister in this text means to serve.
We've been called to the greatest level of servanthood once we accept Yeshua (Jesus) as our Savior(redeemer) and our Lord( Master, or the One who instructs and directs and we humbly follow). If the King of Kings, Yeshua did not come to be served but to serve, how much more are we to give of ourselves for the greater good of all? We have to graciously and with all humility desire to have such a heart and the things that all of heaven will come and assist us with in this earth for God's glory are endless.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What Defines You
This is a little bit uncustomary for us to write a blog like this. Everywhere we go people begin conversations with their name then immediately transition into " so... where do you work." We think God is the least mentioned subject in the casual conversations that carry on before or after a church service in comparison to worldly things. We believe that these conversations should be more like " where is God working at in your life" rather than "where do you work" or anything else for that matter. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using our mind and body for honorable monetary gain. What is wrong is when we allow our employment to provide some sort of identity or even better, determine your "Self-worth." Our Identity is supposed to be hidden in Yeshua not in what we do for a living, that's called pride, Face it! I have seen people lose faith in God and return to old ways because employment was lost. Now I know that people aren't scared to lose these jobs because they feel like they are going to disappoint God but more on the side of fear for losing a well established social identity, money, material things and most of all comfort. It almost makes me wonder if God was really Lord and provider in their lives. I can recall Yeshua warning us not to care for the things of this world (Matt 6: 25-34).
Now I'm not saying lets go build huts out in the Forrest and put on sak cloth but what I am attempting to transpire is, lets put things in their proper order of importance. God, Family, Church then Work. Remember our job is not Jehovah Jireh. Our job is simply to provide seed to sow and take care of the bare essentials. Here is a little spiritual education on the matter... After the fall of man God began to inform Adam of the curse that his disobedience has brought on himself and everyman after him (Gen 3:19), this verse was a verse that stood out to me like a purple dinosaur. God told Adam that now "by the sweat of your brow will you eat bread until the day you return to the earth (die). While analyzing this scripture God began to show me that when He told Adam to tend to the garden, that the word tend was not the equivalent of work. To tend to means to effortlessly devote thorough attention toward something. So in other words Adams assignment was not laborious. Now one might ask, "didn't Yeshua die and redeem us from the curse of the law?" and my answer would be YES! but for some odd reason people seem to be blissfully treating the curse as if it were a blessing.
People tell me all the time that they are walking by faith and I always say that you don't know true faith unless you are actually walking in it. What if God instructed you to leave your family and go into a famine land or if He said to build an Ark when you have never seen rain or drop your fishing nets and follow Him. This is where true faith meets the road and where cosmetic faith is applied to the face. Obedience is far greater than sacrifice...
I finally understand why Yeshua said to the scribe that wanted to follow Him, " Foxes have holes and birds have nests but the Son of man hath no place to lay His head" and it was because He knew how much people are attached to things and worldly possessions. More over I believe Yeshua was attempting to show us how much these things can adversely affect our relationship with Him. We worship with our mouths but our hearts are far from Him. Sometimes we are no better than that gold digger wanting to be with a person because of what can be offered. Same as with salvation, we align with God for what He can offer (shame on us) and not for what we can offer up to Him.
The redemptive power on the cross of Jesus conferred the rights of the Kingdom of God (everything that is heavenly manifesting itself in our lives on earth such as healing (there is no sickness in heaven), prosperity( there is no poverty in heaven), etc.) back into our hands. However, the consequences of the original sin still exist. In this flesh, some believers will still die and will still have to work at something. The main issue is when the wrong focus has been placed on accomplishments in the natural defining who we are when our identity should be solely found in Yeshua.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, April 25, 2011
It is Finished!
The nation just celebrated a holiday that in it's original intent, could completely transform the hearts and minds of multitudes. This holiday is known as Easter to the majority and Resurrection Sunday to a few. We believe that there are a few that keep the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday, but imagine if we as the body of Yeshua would magnify the power in His resurrection, how much more would we see the fulness of His Spirit released in our lives and in the lives of those who are compelled during this season to a state of repentance? We challenge you to research the origin of the pagan tradition of Easter. Too much to include in this blog, but it just makes you wonder why we as a set apart body could adopt such values. The Christmas traditions are included in this as well. What is it that God really requires from us? For us to behold His face through the sacrifice of His begotten Son and through the reception of this love, be drawn to be the true enlisted soldier and no longer be entangled with the affairs of this world. All of the enmity (carnality) that tries to keep us from truly glorifying Him has been dealt with on the cross of Yeshua and was confirmed when He said that "It is finished." We have to come to place in our hearts and minds where living for the natural rewards and pleasures are no longer appealing to us and long for the inheritances of what transpired on the cross.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Monday, April 18, 2011
Kidney Stone...
I finally know what Paul's thorn in the flesh was... it was a kidney stone, just joking but I'm pretty sure if anyone had to guess I bet they would say that he was referring to a stone in the kidney. I recently experienced this elephant stopping pain over the past two months and trust me when I say "you wouldn't wish this upon your worst enemy(s)" but then again my only enemy(the defeated foe) could use some pain every now and again. When I heard women say that they would much rather give birth to a child than to pass a kidney stone, relief flooded my body because I thought that I was being a weeny due to the fact that I moaned and groaned. Though I didn't cry, don't think the thought didn't cross my thinker. So I toughed it out like a big boy should for about 3 hours but lets just say I wasn't use to this kind of pain and was later admitted to the emergency room. After x-rays and exams the doctors found that I was carrying a little boulder in my kidney. Now lets transition into the meat and potatoes for a bit. One might ask well Kevin how could this happen to a Man of God or shouldn't God have stopped the pain after you prayed for the pain to stop. These are the questions that plague our church even to this day only because we don't have an answer for every question or every situation. Much like Job I couldn't understand why this was happening to me and also like Paul where God said His grace is sufficient though he sought God to fix the situation but one thing for sure, I wasn't going to allow this attack to make my faith waver. Many followers of Yeshua suffer from all sorts of illness and hardship but what I realized is that we should never blame God but most of all dig deep enough to learn the lesson from whatever situation you face (good or bad) and get back to business as soon as you can. Now I know God did not place this stone in my kidney but I know God good enough to know when He may be testing me to see what would I do when pressed to wall with all odds against me. Will I quit, get angry with God, complain, magnify the problem rather than the solution etc. Trust and know that I did neither but what I gained from this episode was a fresh remembrance of the suffering our Messiah and many other men and women of God went through and the other was that I can do no thing with out Him but with Him the Milky Way is the limit. I vividly remember the night after I had surgery to remove the stone, pain gripping my body again and I immediately thought "oh no not another stone" but thanks be to God it wasn't it turned out to be some other complication caused by the removal of the stone. But here I am again with death like pain and my wonderful wife just had it to the brim with these attacks so she stood up from her chair and reminded me of the one who lives inside of me and what He did on the cross and that nothing should stop me from praising the Father; lets just say that when we began praising the pain left and a deep sense of gratitude came over me and I began to sob like a baby because I knew God was showing me that He was still in control and that when I call upon Him, He is there. What we must realize is that God does not think or respond to things the same as we do and moreover He does care for our well being but He cares more for our reliance on Him and not ourselves.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Monday, April 11, 2011
A Leader With Out Followers
“He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.” John Maxwell made this statement in one of his many Leadership seminars that is partially true depending on the arena. Now before I begin with further review of this statement I wish to inform you that this is not a stab at John Maxwell or anything that he has accomplished for that matter. This is simply a spiritual and logical analyzation of something that has the potential to make or break a leader being fashioned by God. Each process is different. There is no cookie cutter determining factor of identifying a leader chosen by God. Every chosen leader by God has to be groomed first by God before the mantle or assignment is placed on them. The chosen leader of God is a leader the day he/she is chosen but as mentioned in the previous sentence, there is a process that must be completed. One thing to pay close attention to is the fact that when God chooses you to lead, no devil or man can approve or disapprove it.
In addition to the various processes that a leader will go through, we have to keep in mind that there are also different types of leaders. Think of Jeremiah or Jonah. They were chosen leaders by God that never had a following after their cause, but they took a stand and lead multiple individuals to a true state of repentance. A leader must identify who they are to lead and what they are leading them to. This will keep the leader afloat and focused as well as not looking for approval from natural occurrences.
On the other hand Abraham was a leader but he didn't have a large following, he only had his family and servants; Moses was a leader that had no followers until God had a place to lead them to and the followers he had were situational followers but none the less they followed; Jesus was a leader but during His preparation phase, there was none with him and then He had a permanent "11" and a couple hundred circumstantial followers; Elijah was a leader with no following all the way up till the end of his reign when God sent Elisha to him; Noah was a leader that had no huge following and on top of that everyone thought he was fit to be tied but Noah had to hold on to what God instructed him to do; Paul was ordained by God but no one believed him at first and he didn't have followers to support him during this stage but he continued the course and later the following came.
We can go on and on but the point to be made here is only directed to those chosen by God to lead but maybe confused with the standard set by society pertaining to leadership and may be discouraged because no one is supporting you; I suggest that you stay the course set for you by God.
Always ask God to keep you on the right path and in His will and if you happen to stray, simply stop and analyze yourself to make sure that you are not in danger of hurting others and get back on track.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Trying of Your Faith
Cry aloud to our Father for He desires to be in harmony with His creation! Empty out your heart and all the darkest secrets that imprison you to solitary life without a cause. Return back to the Source of existence on this massive piece of dirt. Remember His past faithfulness. Cry tears of joy when an insurmountable situation arises knowing that win or lose, God still gets the glory. Don't allow inanimate objects to cry out in your place. Show our gratitude by obeying wholeheartedly. Remember that you were created a little lower than angelic beings. Depend upon every Word spoken out of the mouth of God. Remember to tell your mind to keep its thoughts to itself. Tell the world that Jesus lives with the fervent power of the Holy Spirit. Diligently fight every second of the day to commune with our Everlasting Father. Pursue it until it overtakes you and you can't recognize yourself anymore. Stick it out, and stick it out in love until you see the face of our Messiah.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bring Out the Best in You
Does it seem like the minute someone makes a decision to give their lives to God wholeheartedly for the first time or for a mature follower of Yeshua (Jesus) who is growing more in the things of God, that every force on and under the earth attempts to throw them off course? That's because it is! God has a destiny that He desires, while we are on this earth, to walk in the fullness of. In order to do so, however, we must learn to recognize the attacks that come up against and develop our spiritual weapons in order to be victorious in every situation we are faced with. The Bible states that the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Proverbs states that those who have an ear to hear the reproofs of life (learning from life's lessons) will abide among the wise. Everything we go through is intentional. Now the intent can be from God to refine us to become more like Him (shedding off more of our old nature to become that new creature) or from our adversary the devil to knock us off course in hopes that we will never do what God intended for us to do on earth. The Bible is the inspired Word of God (God breathed) and we can be hopeful and rejoice in every opposition and trial that comes our way when we know and believe God's truth that He is making us stronger, wiser, and more fearless for His glory in the earth. The assurance of the following scripture from Ps. 71:20-21 declares, "20Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth. 21Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side."
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, March 20, 2011
In The Know
Daniel 11:32 Those who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits. It is so amazing when God is trying to get our attention and keep us all on the same page through Pastors, Preachers or Rabbi's delivering the same message. Some one told me before that this is the way you know that these messengers are hearing from God. Forgetting who God is, not knowing who we are and losing sight of the purpose God intended for us, has been the underlying theme of what's being taught and because it is plaguing the body of the Messiah. The simple approach or easy fix is to do the opposite of the three things listed in the prior sentence. If it were made a priority, only then can it become easy. We have to face the fact that the world we live in and the extreme situations that comes with it is only going to worsen. More importantly, we have to realize that if we make God our fortress (our fortified safe place), the place where we are strengthened and made more effective, we will, against all odds stand still and see the salvation of Almighty God in the situations that beset our personal lives and then conquering and influencing global issues for His glory. Think of the three hebrew boys who were thrown in the fiery furnace. They with boldness declared that their God would save them and even if He did not, the false god was still belittled by their refusal to bow down to it. The fact that they were thrown into the furnace clearly shows us that we will go through fiery trials and be thrown into what may feel like unfair circumstances. It is only when we have committed to knowing our God, who we are in Him, and to fulfill the divine purpose that we were created for will we, like the hebrew boys, be able to come out of any situation with the glory of God upon us.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Hope in the Beginning of Sorrows
In the news recently, there was one of the greatest effects of an earthquake in Japan. The catastrophic event caused a tsunami to race through the city, leaving the people and everything in its path lying in ruins. Seeing the news feed reminded us of the end times which the bible notes as the beginning of sorrows (Mark 13:8). We as a people have to awaken to the truth of God's Word and realize that life as we know it today is not for eternity. We are to be alert (1 Thesselonians 5:1-8) and not fearful of the coming events. It is amazing that a book written thousands of years ago could predict such accurate natural disasters and human conflicts. Let us continue to strive to grow up in all things in Yeshua (Jesus) and seek God earnestly to infill us with the fulness of His spirit and fire, so that we continually labor for the kingdom of God that will never end. We can boldly proclaim with the abundance of our hearts, 1 Peter 1:3 which states: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord (Yeshua) Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of (Yeshua) Jesus Christ from the dead."
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Isn't it funny how just when you assemble your proverbial "Things to Accomplish List" that it may seem as if every force on earth and beneath it is tag teaming against you to stop forward progress. Of course there is nothing new under the sun; this situation reminds me of when Jesus/ Yeshua was finishing a forty day fast and the adversary attempted to throw "ketchup in the pudding" by tempting Jesus/ Yeshua with everything He already was or owned (How Dumb). One of our many weapons of warfare is the "Word of God" and this is the one that our Savior used to defeat the enemy during this particular instance of His life on earth. Now one thing is for sure and that is; whenever you do use the "Word of God" to make things line up with the will of the "Most High," always be prepared to continue and use it in order to remain victorious and focused (Ecc 8:4). I honestly believe in : Renewing your mind daily (with the Word of God), Meditating on the Word day and night and understanding that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you ever feel yourself drifting away from the plan whether it be personal or business, simply make sure that you revisit the master plan "Bible" then use this to regain tunnel vision with your vision.
Always in Love,
by: Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Family Values
In our world today, the importance and strength of the family has been truly undermined. With divorce rates skyrocketing and the absence of fathers, the true picture of the God ordained family has been blurred. To start, we must first realize that it is God who sets solitary, individual peace in families (Ps. 68:6). The enemy has done a great job of robbing families of this promised tranquility by magnifying his standards over God’s. Too often, selfishness overrides the genuine love of Christ that should be evident in families. Spending valuable family time is pertinent in strengthening the bond of peace within a family. Doing things like having a movie or game night and taking a walk around the neighborhood are sample ways to set aside time to spend with family. We understand that schedules at times can be extremely pressing. Engaging in activities while riding in the car, like playing word games with children or simply reminiscing on past events between husband and wife through a guessing game can be effective. The time must first be valued. What happens if time spent with one another is left unvalued? There will be a void in all relationships within the family. Husbands and wives tend to become even more selfish, tending to put their aspirations before the individuals they should be investing in the most. This could in turn result in separatism, which leads to grounds for divorce. The children then are adversely affected, feeling unloved and left filled with guilt if divorce is the outcome. Selfishness now takes root in the children and their future relationships continue this cycle of brokenness. There is a balance in everything and the most effective ways to meet the needs of your family should be sought out in prayer. The bible is clear when it instructs us to leave no room for the enemy. Valuing family time is a sure result of taking our eyes off of ourselves and looking for ways to express love and care for others, especially those closes to us, our family.
By: Kevin and Deon Myers
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