Monday, September 19, 2011

Continual Flow

Ever feel drained or spiritually empty? Sometimes it may seem as though the presence of the Living God is right in hands reach and at times so distant. What causes this unstable awareness? Sure, we know God is with us always according to the words of Jesus, "And lo, I am with you always, even until the ends of the earth." We take His word by faith and it keeps us grounded in Him. But what about that place of continual fellowship and communion with God Himself? The position that Adam lossed, but Christ regained? Lots of questions, simple answer.

God requires us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. The word seek in the Greek means "to be about." This tells us we are to go about our daily activities in pursuit of Him and His ways. This entails but is not limited to: Deliberately going out of our way to do a kind, unselfish deed for someone in need; Being instant in prayer in every circumstance that arises; Magnifying who God is over situations that occur. I believe that once our hearts are purposed to follow what God has commanded for us to do in His word, then our relational experience with Him is heightened.

In John 14, Jesus tells us that He knows that we love Him when we keep His words. This is when God loves us and He and the Son come unto us and make their abode with us. In essence, it is impossible to obtain or maintain for that matter, a spiritual relish and knowing that God is always right in hands reach if we are not attempting to do what He requires of us continually regardless of how we feel. The opportunity to have that closeness where God makes us His dwelling place has been purchased at the cross. God is waiting for us to take claim of it and do what it takes to remain steadfast in it.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon

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