Sunday, August 28, 2011

Problem Solving pt.1

After discussing the state of well being in which our society is in (mainly the the younger branch) I began pondering on what was the number one issue that is plaguing our nation. "

Problem solving is one of my strengths that I thank God for always. The main reason I love science so much is the fact that one can use their God given talents to discover things that maybe unseen to the average person through certain methods and eliminating processes (otherwise known as problem solving.)

I remember a line in a movie that went "If you want the right answer you must first ask the right question," man can you say WOW backwards. So with this in mind I began to further ponder on this plague and ask questions to lead me in the direction of the root of the problem.

Once I narrowed the problem down to this point so many other avenues of, "how did we get to this point" began to arise and it was some what difficult to hone in on one thing but here it is.

Number one on my list was the utter disrespect and lack of regard most people have towards God. My Pastor said this today and I find it to be extremely true, " If you understand your righteous position and what sacrifice was made for you to obtain it then you wouldn't want to do anything to displease God the Father.

So often my wife and I deal with college age kids battling with their flesh (typical at this age) that fall into a stage of rebellion because of the guilt from sins they committed. At this point all we do is help them understand who God is and present a better picture of what love and respect toward our Father really entails.

This is a very difficult task to take on when they majority of students we deal with come from broken homes. The reason I say this is, God designed the family structure to be a symbol of His greatness and to resemble the order in Heaven and the most attacked structure in the world is the family. It is very difficult to respect a father you don't see when you don't have a chance to practice with one you can see.

I strongly believe if we fix the family structure one at a time that we will eliminate a huge amount of non-sense infecting our world and only God can help us with this task.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

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