Monday, July 25, 2011


This is a monstrous topic to tackle in a few paragraphs but very necessary though. We are in the process of opening or shall we say starting what will be the beginning of a new wave of schooling. For a long time homeschooling has received its fair share of academic beat downs coupled with social misinterpretations. We on the other hand have always heard of rumors like such: "homeschooling is for those religious weirdos" or "your child will not have social skills" or "homeschooling is for the slow kids that could not make it in the public school system." Though these statements maybe true to some extent but more could be said negatively about the public school system.

We know of a few instances where home-schooled children do fall in anyone of these three categories mentioned above but we also know of some home-schooled students that have defied and superseded these categories by astronomical numbers. Everything rises and falls on a number of things (too many to list) but the most important of them all is whether or not God is involved with the homeschool education process. Successful homeschooling also requires a superb support team in order to reap the full benefits of the home school experience.

While performing some secondary research we have found that many families and individuals would prefer homeschooling over public schooling any day of the week but other issues arise that hinder the preferred choice of education i.e. both parents have to work, not enough money and many parents don't feel competent enough to teach their own children.

At Reign Homeschooling Academy our job is to dispel any excuse for not taking ownership of your child's academic well-being. For starters our school is designed to reform the family structure through academics. As a whole we will start with painting a picture of how important parents are to their child's successful matriculation as well as requiring 100% parental involvement and ownership.

For too long we have stood on the sidelines and watched the enemy rip our families a part and indoctrinate our children through this system of public education. God is no where near these systems and this is why they perform the way they do. Most parents are so over stressed with work until they can't see the demise of destruction by sending their children to public schools to hear stories of evolution (which is actually a religion because you have to believe that it is true but no one will admit it) and immoral teachers for 6.5 hours a day.

It's time that we become more serious about education and putting God back at the center of it. We know of great God fearing teachers in the public school system but their hands are legally tied to what they can say or do pertaining to God but its okay to promote safe sex in elementary schools though.

Lets put an end to handing our children over to satan for a whole day hoping that he will be nice to them. Support us and our efforts to prepare this remnant generation to glorify and fulfill their God given purpose on this earth.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon

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