Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saying and Believing the Right Thing

Romans 10:9-10 states, "9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Yes, it's this simple! By the Spirit of God this revelation of the power and simplicity of salvation will be made known to you. With our hearts we believe, not our heads. Our heads(minds) can get in the way because it was created to analyze and think things through. The love of God through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ is far too incomprehensible for us to fathom in our mind. This is why it must be a heart decision. The heart is the very core of our spirit which connects with God when we personalize this scripture. Once this connection is made we encounter God and our lives are never the same. When we believe from our hearts that Jesus was raised from the dead, we now enter a place of victory. Jesus' resurrection entails, defeat of the enemy (the devil), the enemy (our flesh), and anything on this earth and out of this world. For the bible states, there is not one thing that has not been placed under the feet and name of Jesus! What an assurance!

In addition to the belief from the heart, notice how we must confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord. This lordship now signifies that Jesus and His word now have the final say so in our lives. We no longer are in control doing what we want, but we must be sensitive to God, His Spirit and His Word to truly experience the life more abundant that Jesus speaks of. We began our relationship with God and now have eternal life to look forward to through Jesus by confessing with our mouths and became saved. Continuing to confess the right things will allow us to stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord in our everyday lives. I am not saying to confess scripture for our own selfish intent or in an unwillingness to let God be God in our lives (that's what the world does unknowingly with positive confessions; they've gotten a hold of this principle and are seeing results without acknowledging the Source). However, saying what God says in every situation is the confession that allows us to see salvation ( God intervening) in everything and God gets the glory. What it took to become saved initially, is what keeps us saved and walking in total victory.

Always in love,
Kevin and Deon Myers

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