Sunday, March 6, 2011


Isn't it funny how just when you assemble your proverbial "Things to Accomplish List" that it may seem as if every force on earth and beneath it is tag teaming against you to stop forward progress. Of course there is nothing new under the sun; this situation reminds me of when Jesus/ Yeshua was finishing a forty day fast and the adversary attempted to throw "ketchup in the pudding" by tempting Jesus/ Yeshua with everything He already was or owned (How Dumb). One of our many weapons of warfare is the "Word of God" and this is the one that our Savior used to defeat the enemy during this particular instance of His life on earth. Now one thing is for sure and that is; whenever you do use the "Word of God" to make things line up with the will of the "Most High," always be prepared to continue and use it in order to remain victorious and focused (Ecc 8:4). I honestly believe in : Renewing your mind daily (with the Word of God), Meditating on the Word day and night and understanding that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you ever feel yourself drifting away from the plan whether it be personal or business, simply make sure that you revisit the master plan "Bible" then use this to regain tunnel vision with your vision.

Always in Love,

by: Kevin and Deon Myers

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