Sunday, March 20, 2011

In The Know

Daniel 11:32 Those who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits. It is so amazing when God is trying to get our attention and keep us all on the same page through Pastors, Preachers or Rabbi's delivering the same message. Some one told me before that this is the way you know that these messengers are hearing from God. Forgetting who God is, not knowing who we are and losing sight of the purpose God intended for us, has been the underlying theme of what's being taught and because it is plaguing the body of the Messiah. The simple approach or easy fix is to do the opposite of the three things listed in the prior sentence. If it were made a priority, only then can it become easy. We have to face the fact that the world we live in and the extreme situations that comes with it is only going to worsen. More importantly, we have to realize that if we make God our fortress (our fortified safe place), the place where we are strengthened and made more effective, we will, against all odds stand still and see the salvation of Almighty God in the situations that beset our personal lives and then conquering and influencing global issues for His glory. Think of the three hebrew boys who were thrown in the fiery furnace. They with boldness declared that their God would save them and even if He did not, the false god was still belittled by their refusal to bow down to it. The fact that they were thrown into the furnace clearly shows us that we will go through fiery trials and be thrown into what may feel like unfair circumstances. It is only when we have committed to knowing our God, who we are in Him, and to fulfill the divine purpose that we were created for will we, like the hebrew boys, be able to come out of any situation with the glory of God upon us.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon

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