Monday, April 11, 2011

A Leader With Out Followers

“He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.” John Maxwell made this statement in one of his many Leadership seminars that is partially true depending on the arena. Now before I begin with further review of this statement I wish to inform you that this is not a stab at John Maxwell or anything that he has accomplished for that matter. This is simply a spiritual and logical analyzation of something that has the potential to make or break a leader being fashioned by God. Each process is different. There is no cookie cutter determining factor of identifying a leader chosen by God. Every chosen leader by God has to be groomed first by God before the mantle or assignment is placed on them. The chosen leader of God is a leader the day he/she is chosen but as mentioned in the previous sentence, there is a process that must be completed. One thing to pay close attention to is the fact that when God chooses you to lead, no devil or man can approve or disapprove it.

In addition to the various processes that a leader will go through, we have to keep in mind that there are also different types of leaders. Think of Jeremiah or Jonah. They were chosen leaders by God that never had a following after their cause, but they took a stand and lead multiple individuals to a true state of repentance. A leader must identify who they are to lead and what they are leading them to. This will keep the leader afloat and focused as well as not looking for approval from natural occurrences.

On the other hand Abraham was a leader but he didn't have a large following, he only had his family and servants; Moses was a leader that had no followers until God had a place to lead them to and the followers he had were situational followers but none the less they followed; Jesus was a leader but during His preparation phase, there was none with him and then He had a permanent "11" and a couple hundred circumstantial followers; Elijah was a leader with no following all the way up till the end of his reign when God sent Elisha to him; Noah was a leader that had no huge following and on top of that everyone thought he was fit to be tied but Noah had to hold on to what God instructed him to do; Paul was ordained by God but no one believed him at first and he didn't have followers to support him during this stage but he continued the course and later the following came.

We can go on and on but the point to be made here is only directed to those chosen by God to lead but maybe confused with the standard set by society pertaining to leadership and may be discouraged because no one is supporting you; I suggest that you stay the course set for you by God.

Always ask God to keep you on the right path and in His will and if you happen to stray, simply stop and analyze yourself to make sure that you are not in danger of hurting others and get back on track.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

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