Monday, May 30, 2011

Thank You Lord for My Family

We tend to neglect or not pay any attention to the ones that are the closest to us sometimes vicariously and other times intentionally. We are no strangers to this anomaly simply because we are often incapacitated by our busy lives. Family can be liken to a garden, it has the potential to be tremendously rewarding if tended to regularly but if neglected it can be bothersome and grow out of control. We are truly thankful for the ones we can call our own. From our children to our parents and everyone else in between we cherish the fact that they are blood relatives and that nothing can change it, even if they aggravate the tarnations out of us. One day our children were enlightening us with an interesting role play of the Roman soldiers beating Jesus with the cat of nine tails and after long consideration as to what made them want to choose this to play we said to ourselves "Thank God they are playing this and not something else that is degrading to the family structure". But one thing we must state is that we do not neglect our children and as a result of this we can't help but understand why they chose to play this and it is because its what we instill in them and demonstrate to them on a day to day basis. This upcoming weekend is highly anticipated for us, reason being is because we are heading home to Miami for a week long vacation to invest quality time with our love ones. We have been horrible in this department for a while and we have no one to blame but ourselves but thank the Lord for second chances. So if you have breath in your bodies please make an extra effort to demonstrate your love for you family every chance that is alloted to you.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

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