Monday, April 4, 2011

The Trying of Your Faith

Cry aloud to our Father for He desires to be in harmony with His creation! Empty out your heart and all the darkest secrets that imprison you to solitary life without a cause. Return back to the Source of existence on this massive piece of dirt. Remember His past faithfulness. Cry tears of joy when an insurmountable situation arises knowing that win or lose, God still gets the glory. Don't allow inanimate objects to cry out in your place. Show our gratitude by obeying wholeheartedly. Remember that you were created a little lower than angelic beings. Depend upon every Word spoken out of the mouth of God. Remember to tell your mind to keep its thoughts to itself. Tell the world that Jesus lives with the fervent power of the Holy Spirit. Diligently fight every second of the day to commune with our Everlasting Father. Pursue it until it overtakes you and you can't recognize yourself anymore. Stick it out, and stick it out in love until you see the face of our Messiah.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

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