Monday, April 25, 2011

It is Finished!

The nation just celebrated a holiday that in it's original intent, could completely transform the hearts and minds of multitudes. This holiday is known as Easter to the majority and Resurrection Sunday to a few. We believe that there are a few that keep the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday, but imagine if we as the body of Yeshua would magnify the power in His resurrection, how much more would we see the fulness of His Spirit released in our lives and in the lives of those who are compelled during this season to a state of repentance? We challenge you to research the origin of the pagan tradition of Easter. Too much to include in this blog, but it just makes you wonder why we as a set apart body could adopt such values. The Christmas traditions are included in this as well. What is it that God really requires from us? For us to behold His face through the sacrifice of His begotten Son and through the reception of this love, be drawn to be the true enlisted soldier and no longer be entangled with the affairs of this world. All of the enmity (carnality) that tries to keep us from truly glorifying Him has been dealt with on the cross of Yeshua and was confirmed when He said that "It is finished." We have to come to place in our hearts and minds where living for the natural rewards and pleasures are no longer appealing to us and long for the inheritances of what transpired on the cross.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon

1 comment:

  1. I never got how a Bunny, Hidden eggs, and Candy represent Christs resurrection. Still to this day it bothers me.
