Friday, May 22, 2009

"What is All of This About"

On February 11, 2009, the Lord visited me by way of a dream. He showed me these words “Its’ War Time” at 4:30 in the morning; I opened my eyes and said God what does this mean, God’s response was it’s time to unveil the enemies tactics because too many of my children are losing this war, going to hell and are out of my will; no one can figure out why and now it’s time to show them.” I asked God was he sure I’m the one for this task and during morning devotion with my wife I opened the Bible and it fell open to II Kings 6 (The whole chapter) this is where Elisha warns the King of Israel (children of God) of the plan of the Syrians (the enemy) and the warning saved them not once but twice. When the King of Syria found out that it was the prophet Elisha that knew what was being said (by God) in his bedroom he became very angry and sent an army to seize Elisha. The servant of Elisha was afraid because of the army that encamped around them and Elisha prayed that God would open his eyes to see the army that was on their side. So God did and the servant was confident that nothing bad would happen to them. Elisha prayed that blindness would fall upon the Syrian soldiers and it did. The prophet of God led them into to the land of Samaria the land that they were to conquer. The King of Israel asked if he could slay them and the prophet said no instead prepare them a meal and give them something to drink. Even though they came to capture the prophet of God he still treated the soldiers (sinners) with dignity and they did not return to Israel anymore. Later in this chapter we see where there is a famine in this land to the point of boiling children for a source of food. What seems to be so significant is the fact that we are in a recession right now (some people think it’s a famine but they have no idea) and also how the prophet knew that because of this famine the enemy would try to war against him again by cutting his head off. Elisha revealed the plan of the enemy to the elders that sat with him. So God said to me plainly write this the way I tell you nothing taken away and nothing added. If this scripture wasn’t enough, later that same day a good friend of mine (Antwanare Jones) wrote on my facebook page “It’s War Time” for no reason on his behalf and I about fell on the floor with amazement of how good God is. The scripture was good enough for me but I guess God had to seal the deal just like Hezekiah when God made the sun stand still for ten minutes, to prove that He would add fifteen years to Hezekiah’s life.
Always in Love,

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