Thursday, May 21, 2009

"It's War Time"

WAKE UP! Christians we are losing this spiritual war. The Bible says that: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12” which means that the enemy will not show up in the manifested form of a person and say lets fight but more on the contrary. I am really fed up with all of the pictures of the devil with two horns and a pitch fork I assure you he is keeping up with the times as well as we are. People of God please realize that it is easier to trick a human being than to force one to do something that they were not created to do (think about it; Adam and Eve were the first human candidates). If anyone is telling you anything other than prepare for war right now, then consider yourself officially warned and make this a great reason for you to start reading your own Bible now! In Ecclesiastes chapter 3 it says that “everything under the sun has a time and place including a time for war.” Why else would Paul write: “Put on the Whole Armor of God Ephesians 6: 10-17;” I don’t suppose he was saying this so we could join him in a cup of tea. Yes the Bible is clear when it says: “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place, 2Corinthians 2:14” and this scripture is used out of context all the time; it does not say that we don’t have to show up and we will still be victorious but it does say God will CAUSE us to be triumphant which means (Huge Celebration/ Party after a Victory); this means we have to put forth some effort. This scripture, when used wrong (2 Peter 3:16, covers how people twist scripture) gives leeway to becoming an “Ambitiously Lazy” Christian and makes the enemy’s job a lot easier. Does anyone really know why King David fell into adultery with Bathsheba? Well, I will tell you; If you read 2 Samuel 11:1 The Bible says that King David was supposed to be out to battle because this was the season for war but instead he stayed in Jerusalem and one night fixed his eyes on another mans wife taking a bath and you know the rest of the story. The major point is King David was not doing what he should have been doing which was out on the battle field. Here is the deal, the enemy has three grounds in which he will fight on and if you don’t take heed you will become another statistic.Stay Tuned For Part 2.
Always in Love,


  1. In Jeremiah 51:10 God says that we are His battle axe and weapons of war and with us He will break the nations into pieces and destroy the kingdom. What nations and kingdom is He talking about? Our enemy and his forces! I am choosing to be God's battle axe and weapons of war. Thank God we are victorious in all things! This is what we need. I thank God for you taking a stand when it's seems like hardly anyone else is. Love you, Baby!

  2. Awesome Kev! This is a really great blog! Like Scott said, deep!
