Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Slave to Christ = Freedom

True freedom is becoming a slave to Christ. I find this statement more validated as I travel through life. This era that we partake in is somewhat no different than any other that has passed (just new people doing the same old thing). I was once a slave to sin but as my love for God intensified those unwanted chains grew weaker. I pray that our joy can be restored and centered on the Lord like it was intended and not in things or people. The human race is God's greatest resource to exemplify the Heavens above and I believe that we are not too far gone to turn and press toward God and His lifestyle of righteousness. Is it really too difficult to show our appreciation to a wonderful savior for going to the cross for us by giving no room for the enemy in our hearts and daily routine. Let us not be lazy in our approach to show grattitude for the Lord.

May God Receive the Glory

Always in Love,

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