Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Five Grounds

The Five Grounds

If you don’t understand this parable it might do you some good to borrow Stevie Wonders eyes, the Scarecrows brain and a snake’s ear. On a more serious note, (Mark 4: 1-20) requires only a willing heart to grasp its meaning. Those of you that have read this parable might say to yourself “there are only four grounds of the heart described by Jesus” and I submit to you that you are correct. After spending a while in deep thought I begin to think “What about the hearts that have never heard the word of God;” these individuals posses a spirit/heart as well don’t they?

Please don’t speed read over this literature because the word of God is ever pregnant and always prepared to give deeper insight.

I always try to understand people and why they behave in the manner they do so that when ordered, God can use my vessel to the utmost for His Glory. Some people frustrate me to no end and others offer a sigh of relief but all in all the good surpasses the bad though more often than not I feel the exact opposite (Pray that my Strength Remain).

Jesus did a great job of describing the condition of man’s heart in Mark chapter 4 but what I want to uncover is the process leading to the (3) bad conditions i.e.(upbringing, environment/neighborhood, exposure to immoral entertainment etc.) and how to truly reach the (1) good ground as well as how to effectively spread the word to the ones (1) who have not heard.

Allow me the opportunity to lay the foundation in the upcoming paragraphs.

We must understand that our life is a sum total of every experience good or bad. With this in mind it is possible to understand why an unstable person can’t remain focused or a sexually abused person has trouble trusting people. Our childhood is as vital to our adulthood as tracks are to a train. There aren’t many people with the three bad heart grounds that can’t trace their life backwards and not find where the problem is. Most times like stated earlier our position in either ground is a result of the household morals and standards in which we were brought up by.

Single parent homes tend to be more prevalent now as opposed to years prior. When I was in elementary school the number of students without a father in the home was around 3 out of 10; those figures are extremely higher now and it’s almost as if fatherlessness has become the unwritten fad. Fathers play such an important role in conditioning the heart and character of a child. “The fruit does not fall far from the tree” is a cliché used for eons and I can not agree with it more.

Presently we see a ton of feminine boys due to women raising men alone. Some women do a great job and others…lets just say “fail miserably.” Some women are too bull headed and strong willed to see how the enemy is using this independent mentality to destroy the home one family at a time and to harden the hearts of the little ones. Granted, most single moms are left with no choice but to raise a family themselves by selfish and immature donors; this I am well aware of being that I am a product of this epidemic.

Our hearts are the core of who we are and what we are capable of doing. Now, parenting breaks down into four categories as well: Horrible, Balanced, Over and No Parenting. If much attention is given to this and the dots were connected, we would see a direct correlation between the conditions of the heart and parenting. I would need to write a book to explain everything in detail but hopefully this will be sufficient for now. (to be continued…..)

Always in Love,

Kingdom Ambassador

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