Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Law of Change

The Law of Change

It is okay to state that the Bible is infallible but it is grossly hazardous to believe that ones understanding of the Bible is foolproof. After spending a few moments of my day watching ministry youtube videos I began to witness people change from one state of understanding to the next. People that I have observed stand on a more than obvious wrong doctrine for a period of time commenced to allow the “Holy Spirit” to do the job of enlightening their conscience.

I know one thing for sure; the pride of not leaving God room for correction is to be as far from me as the farthest star is from earth. I pray that we all can reach a higher level of sensitivity toward “Gods Written Word” as well as His “Spoken Word.” We cannot afford to be trapped in mindsets that were created by the lowest man and not the highest God. What I have gathered over my short span of earth occupancy is that people are more afraid of changing a wrong mindset than they are afraid of a pit-bull with rabies. The extremely sad part is that both are equally dangerous and ending with the same results if left untreated: blind, weak, dumb and dead.

I urge everyone to perform a heart check (if you’re not passed the POINT OF NO RETURN) and ask God to reveal to you the simple truths in His constitution pertaining to your life and the way He requires you to live it. And while you’re at it, do me and yourself a favor and try not to allow immaturity to creep in and steal an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to move mightily.

“Remember; Do not lean unto your own understanding but in all your ways trust in the Lord because the ways of a man seem right in his own eyes but the end thereof leads to death.”

(Embrace Change; It Could Save this Generation)

Always in Love,

Kingdom Ambassador

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