Thursday, June 25, 2009

"The Ultimate Balanced Scale"

I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine and we were on the subject of Jesus and how his personality was so important to fulfill the assignment from God. Everything in life must be balanced and by saying this I take for example: the “Rhema Word” balances the “Logos Word” or studying to show thyself approved is complimented by attending a local “Spirit-Filled” church. Balance is a healthy way to get the most out of life. Even nutritionist state how important it is to eat a balanced diet but how many of us tilt the scale when it comes to healthy food consumption and junk food intake.

Jesus’ assignment was two-fold. He was the “Lion of Judah and the “Lamb of God” (Revelation 5:5 & John 1:29). Both of which are on two ends of the spectrum but when placed together make a perfect leader of strength and sacrifice. Jesus on many occasions had to display the lion side of him (keep in mind I am not saying Jesus has the nature or even behaved like these animals) and turn tables over, correct the Scribes, Pharisees and his own Disciples.

Matthew 10:34:
34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

The lamb side was more compassionate and instructed all to love each other as they love themselves, help your bretheren that are in need, and forgive your brother 70x7.

Matthew 18:22:
22Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Jesus was able to walk amongst Kings and still keep a common mans touch. If you think about the associated identity of a lion it is labeled the “King of the Jungle” and the lamb is always considered a pure and meek “Sacrifice” (something to think on...Jesus was also labeled "King of the Jews" and "The Perfect Sacrifice"). We are followers of Christ and the Bible says to let this mind be in you.

Philippians 2:5:
5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

We are to correct and love like Christ did. Don’t be scared to offend people; the last time I checked, we don’t entertain emotions/ feelings because it is of the flesh. Think about the “Anointed One” and how he dealt with the rich and poor as well as the smart and not so smart people. Jesus did not handle every situation the same way and neither should we. If something deserved open rebuke then he did it, if someone required special attention he gave it but not too many situations were handled in the same manner.

Jesus is the ultimate balanced scale. Often times, we as followers of Christ are not totally balanced in our walk and we allow more “Lion” to be exhibited than “Lamb” or vice versa. On one side you can be considered too harsh and critical and the other could be deemed too passive and nice but anywhere in the middle is fine and don’t worry about people not liking you, just look at Jesus’ life and you will soon find yourself on the path he walked (very true)!

Always in Love,

1 comment:

  1. Our mission isn't to make friends, but rather to make brothers and sisters. Preach Man of God... still waiting on part two. lol
