Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bring Out the Best in You

Does it seem like the minute someone makes a decision to give their lives to God wholeheartedly for the first time or for a mature follower of Yeshua (Jesus) who is growing more in the things of God, that every force on and under the earth attempts to throw them off course? That's because it is! God has a destiny that He desires, while we are on this earth, to walk in the fullness of. In order to do so, however, we must learn to recognize the attacks that come up against and develop our spiritual weapons in order to be victorious in every situation we are faced with. The Bible states that the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Proverbs states that those who have an ear to hear the reproofs of life (learning from life's lessons) will abide among the wise. Everything we go through is intentional. Now the intent can be from God to refine us to become more like Him (shedding off more of our old nature to become that new creature) or from our adversary the devil to knock us off course in hopes that we will never do what God intended for us to do on earth. The Bible is the inspired Word of God (God breathed) and we can be hopeful and rejoice in every opposition and trial that comes our way when we know and believe God's truth that He is making us stronger, wiser, and more fearless for His glory in the earth. The assurance of the following scripture from Ps. 71:20-21 declares, "20Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth. 21Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side."

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In The Know

Daniel 11:32 Those who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits. It is so amazing when God is trying to get our attention and keep us all on the same page through Pastors, Preachers or Rabbi's delivering the same message. Some one told me before that this is the way you know that these messengers are hearing from God. Forgetting who God is, not knowing who we are and losing sight of the purpose God intended for us, has been the underlying theme of what's being taught and because it is plaguing the body of the Messiah. The simple approach or easy fix is to do the opposite of the three things listed in the prior sentence. If it were made a priority, only then can it become easy. We have to face the fact that the world we live in and the extreme situations that comes with it is only going to worsen. More importantly, we have to realize that if we make God our fortress (our fortified safe place), the place where we are strengthened and made more effective, we will, against all odds stand still and see the salvation of Almighty God in the situations that beset our personal lives and then conquering and influencing global issues for His glory. Think of the three hebrew boys who were thrown in the fiery furnace. They with boldness declared that their God would save them and even if He did not, the false god was still belittled by their refusal to bow down to it. The fact that they were thrown into the furnace clearly shows us that we will go through fiery trials and be thrown into what may feel like unfair circumstances. It is only when we have committed to knowing our God, who we are in Him, and to fulfill the divine purpose that we were created for will we, like the hebrew boys, be able to come out of any situation with the glory of God upon us.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hope in the Beginning of Sorrows

In the news recently, there was one of the greatest effects of an earthquake in Japan. The catastrophic event caused a tsunami to race through the city, leaving the people and everything in its path lying in ruins. Seeing the news feed reminded us of the end times which the bible notes as the beginning of sorrows (Mark 13:8). We as a people have to awaken to the truth of God's Word and realize that life as we know it today is not for eternity. We are to be alert (1 Thesselonians 5:1-8) and not fearful of the coming events. It is amazing that a book written thousands of years ago could predict such accurate natural disasters and human conflicts. Let us continue to strive to grow up in all things in Yeshua (Jesus) and seek God earnestly to infill us with the fulness of His spirit and fire, so that we continually labor for the kingdom of God that will never end. We can boldly proclaim with the abundance of our hearts, 1 Peter 1:3 which states: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord (Yeshua) Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of (Yeshua) Jesus Christ from the dead."

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Isn't it funny how just when you assemble your proverbial "Things to Accomplish List" that it may seem as if every force on earth and beneath it is tag teaming against you to stop forward progress. Of course there is nothing new under the sun; this situation reminds me of when Jesus/ Yeshua was finishing a forty day fast and the adversary attempted to throw "ketchup in the pudding" by tempting Jesus/ Yeshua with everything He already was or owned (How Dumb). One of our many weapons of warfare is the "Word of God" and this is the one that our Savior used to defeat the enemy during this particular instance of His life on earth. Now one thing is for sure and that is; whenever you do use the "Word of God" to make things line up with the will of the "Most High," always be prepared to continue and use it in order to remain victorious and focused (Ecc 8:4). I honestly believe in : Renewing your mind daily (with the Word of God), Meditating on the Word day and night and understanding that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you ever feel yourself drifting away from the plan whether it be personal or business, simply make sure that you revisit the master plan "Bible" then use this to regain tunnel vision with your vision.

Always in Love,

by: Kevin and Deon Myers