Sunday, October 30, 2011

Confidence in Battle

Spiritual battles come in many different forms and for multiple reasons. You always know when you are under attack but you may not necessarily understand why at first or most times until the end. The bible does state however, that understanding shall come to those who seek God. God is always strengthening and preparing His people to better serve for His kingdom. When heaven is moving, the kingdom of darkness immediately tries to scream louder to distract us from what God is getting to us or doing in us. Hence, a spiritual battle.

There is a confidence in God that can be developed while going through any spiritual battle that comes. 1 John 3:21 assures us that we can have confidence toward God, when our heart does not condemn us. Condemnation is from the enemy, the devil and it comes when we have missed the mark, or sinned and it hinders our confidence in God because we are constantly being reminded of what we did by the accuser of the brethren. On the other hand, when the attack that we are experiencing is a result of us seeking God’s face to do His will as well as to be changed to fulfill all that He has for us and have repented of our sins this is when we can be confident that God will see us through to victory.

In addition to a repented heart and seeking God’s face, demonstrating the love of Christ to all individuals, especially those who are being used to directly attack us is an absolute must. Love covers a multitude of sins, even our own. We have to be completely dependent upon God’s power, wisdom and ability in us and face every situation with all humility in mind. When we are high minded (self confident), God cannot be glorified and we will lose. Asking God fervently for a perfect heart so that our motives and intentions are always pure (which will help us from stumbling) is always pleasing in God’s sight, for God searches and tries the heart of man. In essence, obedience to the Word and voice of God and trusting Him throughout the battle is the ultimate key to success in every battle. It is then that we can walk away from the victory rejoicing because we were counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus’ name. (Acts 5:41)

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saying and Believing the Right Thing

Romans 10:9-10 states, "9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Yes, it's this simple! By the Spirit of God this revelation of the power and simplicity of salvation will be made known to you. With our hearts we believe, not our heads. Our heads(minds) can get in the way because it was created to analyze and think things through. The love of God through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ is far too incomprehensible for us to fathom in our mind. This is why it must be a heart decision. The heart is the very core of our spirit which connects with God when we personalize this scripture. Once this connection is made we encounter God and our lives are never the same. When we believe from our hearts that Jesus was raised from the dead, we now enter a place of victory. Jesus' resurrection entails, defeat of the enemy (the devil), the enemy (our flesh), and anything on this earth and out of this world. For the bible states, there is not one thing that has not been placed under the feet and name of Jesus! What an assurance!

In addition to the belief from the heart, notice how we must confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord. This lordship now signifies that Jesus and His word now have the final say so in our lives. We no longer are in control doing what we want, but we must be sensitive to God, His Spirit and His Word to truly experience the life more abundant that Jesus speaks of. We began our relationship with God and now have eternal life to look forward to through Jesus by confessing with our mouths and became saved. Continuing to confess the right things will allow us to stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord in our everyday lives. I am not saying to confess scripture for our own selfish intent or in an unwillingness to let God be God in our lives (that's what the world does unknowingly with positive confessions; they've gotten a hold of this principle and are seeing results without acknowledging the Source). However, saying what God says in every situation is the confession that allows us to see salvation ( God intervening) in everything and God gets the glory. What it took to become saved initially, is what keeps us saved and walking in total victory.

Always in love,
Kevin and Deon Myers

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Why is it that once we become saved and God's grace takes us from where we were to a place that we can now see things a little bit clearer that we most times begin to try to perfect ourselves or look for others to be perfect? It's not okay to live sloppily and expect God to "understand." However, we should be seeking Him and earnestly desiring His power and grace to continue to mature us. Desiring the sincere milk of the Word of God will also empower us to live according to His standards.

We have to get and remain in that place where we are completely and totally reliant upon God and His help through our indwelling Helper, the Holy Spirit. No flesh will glory in God's presence and the minute we get arrogant enough to even think we can do anything in our own strength is when God resists us. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. We need His grace, therefore we must maintain an attitude of humility.

God's ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours and when we contiuously attempt to obtain His standards of living now in Him in our own ability, we truly see how far short we come. This ultimately shows our need for our God and His love.

Thank God for His love shown on the cross through the surrendering of His dear Son!

Thank God for His faithfulness to help us!

Thank God He is the Lord our God who is gracious to us!

Thank God for His perfect love!

God is not requiring for us to be perfect in this life. He is searching for a perfect heart, one that is always longing for Him and His ways. Serve God daily with a perfect heart and a willing mind in everything you do. Inquire of this heart through Him.

"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." Ez. 36:26-27

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dragging your feet...

I remember a while ago being empowered by a statement like this: "The definition of hell on earth is the person who you are now, seeing the person you could have been, walk right in front of you." Oooouuuchhh. This statement alone has kept me motivated during my most trying times.

My Pastor said get off the sidelines and get in the game today during service. Now of course his purpose was to inspire the church to stop sitting on their hands and waiting for someone else to do it. God's gifts are given without repentance but I'm pretty sure God is upset when we abuse or not use them at all. And this surely applies to all walks of life as well.

We have been a part of many organized athletic teams and none of them compare to this Spiritual team that we are a part of now. People are so different and gifted in more ways than I can count and because of this phenomenon we can universally function better with diversity.

The church suffers a million deaths a day when pieces of the puzzle are missing. What I mean by missing puzzle pieces is; each one of our talents serve a purpose here on earth and when we selfishly hoard them other people unnecessarily suffer. What's even greater is that these gifts work in your work place as well as in the body... yippee! So now there is no excuse for the dragging of your feet.

If you have gifts lying dormant in you and you know that you are supposed to be doing or creating something please begin with asking God to clearly show you the first step in the right direction and then get moving. So don't give yourself time to him and haw about anything because you don't want to be the person saying "hey that was my idea or I was going to start that business."

Remember "On the other side of your obedience are souls waiting"

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon