Monday, July 25, 2011


This is a monstrous topic to tackle in a few paragraphs but very necessary though. We are in the process of opening or shall we say starting what will be the beginning of a new wave of schooling. For a long time homeschooling has received its fair share of academic beat downs coupled with social misinterpretations. We on the other hand have always heard of rumors like such: "homeschooling is for those religious weirdos" or "your child will not have social skills" or "homeschooling is for the slow kids that could not make it in the public school system." Though these statements maybe true to some extent but more could be said negatively about the public school system.

We know of a few instances where home-schooled children do fall in anyone of these three categories mentioned above but we also know of some home-schooled students that have defied and superseded these categories by astronomical numbers. Everything rises and falls on a number of things (too many to list) but the most important of them all is whether or not God is involved with the homeschool education process. Successful homeschooling also requires a superb support team in order to reap the full benefits of the home school experience.

While performing some secondary research we have found that many families and individuals would prefer homeschooling over public schooling any day of the week but other issues arise that hinder the preferred choice of education i.e. both parents have to work, not enough money and many parents don't feel competent enough to teach their own children.

At Reign Homeschooling Academy our job is to dispel any excuse for not taking ownership of your child's academic well-being. For starters our school is designed to reform the family structure through academics. As a whole we will start with painting a picture of how important parents are to their child's successful matriculation as well as requiring 100% parental involvement and ownership.

For too long we have stood on the sidelines and watched the enemy rip our families a part and indoctrinate our children through this system of public education. God is no where near these systems and this is why they perform the way they do. Most parents are so over stressed with work until they can't see the demise of destruction by sending their children to public schools to hear stories of evolution (which is actually a religion because you have to believe that it is true but no one will admit it) and immoral teachers for 6.5 hours a day.

It's time that we become more serious about education and putting God back at the center of it. We know of great God fearing teachers in the public school system but their hands are legally tied to what they can say or do pertaining to God but its okay to promote safe sex in elementary schools though.

Lets put an end to handing our children over to satan for a whole day hoping that he will be nice to them. Support us and our efforts to prepare this remnant generation to glorify and fulfill their God given purpose on this earth.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

He IS Good!

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man who trusteth in Him." (Ps. 34:8) Have you ever experienced the goodness of God? If your answer is no, then allow me to bring an awareness to you of this goodness that is given by God. You may be saying to yourself, "Good, ha! Everything in my life right now is going downhill and if one more thing adds itself to my plate then I will be completely drowned!" When things get overwhelming in such a way, it will be extremely difficult to see the good that God is doing for us on a daily basis. To start, those burdens that you carry have to be handed over to Jesus as He instructs us to come unto Him with these heavy loads and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28-30). That sounds Good to me!
In addition to God through His Son taking on our burdens in exchange for His lighter ones, when we began to truly seek God for who He is and not just for what He can do for us, the goodness that we will experience will undoubtedly change our outlook forever. Lamentations 3:25-26 declares that the Lord is good to them who waits on Him and seeks Him. Experiencing God's goodness does not have to start with us seeking Him, but His goodness will definitely draw us closer to Him. It is indeed the goodness of God that leads us to a state of repentance (Romans 2:4).
This has been experienced in our lives as we recently had a moment to reflect on what has been taking place in our lives and all we can say in one accord is "God has been Good to us!" We, to the best of our ability try to put God first in everything and we are not even close to perfect, but God desires our hearts to be perfect toward Him and this is what we strive to offer up to God daily. (See Ps. 101:2-3). Mistakes, we make them but we do not practice wrong doing. I said that to say that even in the midst of things in our lives not always lining up to God's standards we are experiencing God's goodness in ways we can not even describe. It is, however, drawing us closer to Him for Him to make us more like Him so that our lives will glorify Him. It is and will always be about God!
Today and everyday, begin looking for God demonstrating His goodness in your life. It may not at first be a car given to you or material things for that matter, but it can be a peace that comes over you when otherwise you would have lost it. Begin to thank God for His goodness towards you even in the little things. We will then be able to exhalt His name together for all the good He is doing.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Excited to Love

Can you say that you are eager to wait patiently when things should've gone differently or say something kind to the rude person who just fussed you out for no apparent reason? If you're answer is no, then we both have something in common. At least, this was my outlook at one point. Walking in love is always an ongoing work in progress for each of us. I believe we can, however, get to that place where we can love unconditionally (whether they deserved it or not, tough to do!) and do it well. There are multiple levels in this, but I believe if it is our earnest desire to be conformed to the image of Yeshua (Jesus), then God will graciously assist and most importantly teach us how to love like Him.
I have learned thus far, in order to even come close to the level of love displayed by Yeshua (laying your life down for someone else, the greatest love that can ever be displayed) that we have to first and foremost fully receive His love for us. This means know and believe that you have been forgiven by Yeshua through His love demonstrated on the cross( still not an excuse to do what thou wilt). Instead, make this love a reason even more to live a life to the best of your ability that pleases God in everything. Not to go off on a tangent, but this point is critical.
"Let your love keep my will upon it's knee" is a line in Hillsong's "Like Incense." This is a continual prayer of mine because at this place where God's will is being adhered to and not our own, we are free to truly enter into that state of love we thought was unlikely. God's will is for us to love Him and our neighbors as ourselves.
Daily look for ways to put others before you and then do it! This is the beginning of laying our lives down for others. As we purposely accomplish this and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance in meeting the needs of others, the measure in which we love others will grow immensely. Getting good at walking in the Spirit (simply walking in ways that are opposite of the flesh, like being kind, joyful, peaceful, etc see Gal 5:19:23) is a task worth shooting for as it goes hand in hand with our love walk. The rewards at each level of growth in loving others compels you to strive for the next level forward.

Always in Love,

Kevin and Deon Myers

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Spending Time Wisely

Through the journey of life and the seasons that we experience we have to learn how to invest each moment wisely. What this means is even if the season is rough or smooth sailing, we should value the time we have with our family and friends. Of course, this is not as easy to do when you really do not understand why the circumstance is unfolding the way it is. We have to keep our focus on what matters in life through everything. Our relationship with God, family, and friends should never fall off but in every situation look for ways to enhance our closeness.
During this summer, we have had the opportunity to spend valuable time with family and have been having fun times with friends and neighbors. This has made everything else that we are preparing for even more enjoyable and worthwhile. We are thankful for both our family and friends and each time we get to visit them or vice versa, it is always refreshing. That is what it should be. If you say other wise, keep in mind everything in life is always what we make of it.
The key component that has our outlook on this matter is the fact that we know God is in the midst loving in us and through us. He has been going before us and has been with us in every experience (Joshua 1:9). We have purposed in our hearts to make the best of every moment and God has given us the grace, faith, and that unspeakable joy even in the not so great situations. With this, the next opportunity you are given to spend time with family or friends (perhaps today as it is Independence Day), for a brief moment stop and give thanks to God. Then, quietly listen to His voice to see what you can contribute to the moment to make it a memorable occasion.