Monday, May 30, 2011
Thank You Lord for My Family
We tend to neglect or not pay any attention to the ones that are the closest to us sometimes vicariously and other times intentionally. We are no strangers to this anomaly simply because we are often incapacitated by our busy lives. Family can be liken to a garden, it has the potential to be tremendously rewarding if tended to regularly but if neglected it can be bothersome and grow out of control. We are truly thankful for the ones we can call our own. From our children to our parents and everyone else in between we cherish the fact that they are blood relatives and that nothing can change it, even if they aggravate the tarnations out of us. One day our children were enlightening us with an interesting role play of the Roman soldiers beating Jesus with the cat of nine tails and after long consideration as to what made them want to choose this to play we said to ourselves "Thank God they are playing this and not something else that is degrading to the family structure". But one thing we must state is that we do not neglect our children and as a result of this we can't help but understand why they chose to play this and it is because its what we instill in them and demonstrate to them on a day to day basis. This upcoming weekend is highly anticipated for us, reason being is because we are heading home to Miami for a week long vacation to invest quality time with our love ones. We have been horrible in this department for a while and we have no one to blame but ourselves but thank the Lord for second chances. So if you have breath in your bodies please make an extra effort to demonstrate your love for you family every chance that is alloted to you.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Giving It All You Got!
I can remember my high school football coach telling me " Leave it all on the field Myers cause the measure in which you slack off is the measure in which you will get beat by". This principle is applicable to all areas of life especially the area of spirituality. My wife and I have discovered that when we give our all to God, He in return never ceases to amaze us with His generosity. Though we don't fully deserve it, I believe God sees our obedience and willing heart and looks past the short comings in order to show us His goodness. Think about Abraham. The Bible shares with us how Abraham had instances where he partially obeyed God, like the conception of Ishmael when the promise was Isaac (Gen 16:15). This disobedience costed Abraham, but the promise of nations was still carried out as Abraham drew closer to God and willingly gave God his whole self when he offered up Isaac (Gen 18:33). Will our obedience be easy? Absolutely not! Although, we can, pray for the right heart, seek God diligently, and become a doer of His Word. To add, we have a Messiah who was faultless on this earth, but was still faced with the same temptations as we are today and as Abraham was in the old testament( Gen 22:1, Heb 4:15). Jesus also had to come to the place of surrendering His will before fulfilling His assignment as the Lamb of God. In everything, we are required to also surrender our all for the sake of God being glorified in our lives today. With a true repented heart, much assurance of faith, and a continual fellowship with our Father God will assist us with understanding how and why we are to give of ourselves just as God through Jesus, gave us all that He had. In addition to giving up our own will, it is time out for getting caught up with the cares of this world. We tend to put more value in people and things on this temporal earth rather than becoming fully persuaded to the fact that we are mere pilgrims on this earth passing through. It is imperative to the present day church and generations to come to God and give Him ALL that you have.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Heart of the Author
The Heart of the Author always follows his/her creation. I would find it rather strange if I were to start receiving one of Kirk Franklin's royalty checks especially when I had no part in creating any of his music. I believe that Kirk Franklin would be upset for the most part because he put a lot of hard work into his projects and he probably would want his just due. God is called the Author and Finisher of our Faith (Heb 12:2) and gets very upset when He does not receive the credit for us His creation. Many people have allowed their 3 1/2 pound brain to trick them into believing that rain and primordial soup is our origination and as I typed this statement I felt as if I lost two points of my I.Q. because this simply doesn't make any common or uncommon sense. Every statement of evolution in text books and in conversations I have partaken in dies the death of a thousand qualifications. The sad part is that most evolutionist wont admit that the evolution theory is based upon believing that it is true and not upon factual data (especially not the fabricated stuff). We followers of Yeshua have no problem admitting that we walk by faith and believe in God's written and spoken word. Evolution, based upon what I have deduced, is nothing but a closet religion hiding behind the mask of science. The definition of science is: The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Notice what words this definition did not use like: guess, assume, believe etc. What's more sad is that our public schools have bought into this manipulative plan and deemed this religion as science not realizing that they are single handedly responsible for the destruction of many minds or are the major players behind the scene fully aware of what is happening.
I pray we become wiser and less apathetic to things like this. Even if you don't understand a word in this blog, please understand that God's heart is saddened when we give credit to another being especially the perpetrator doesn't have the ability to create anything. Do your homework on this matter and I hope that your heart is convicted to do something about it. In a true court of law this case would be dismissed on the grounds of lack of solid evidence. When was the last time we witnessed a human deriving from ooze or better yet transitioning from a crawling monkey into a standing man and please don't fall for that ole million years cop-out (thats just their way of covering up how much they don't know and making it seem as if they do know what they are talking about... politicians call that filibustering "a pretty car with no engine"). I am doing my part in taking a stance on this matter how about you?
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Servant to All
The Bible states how the wisdom of this world is foolishness (stupidity) to God. Simply put, but in so many ways this statement is profound. What makes sense to us in the natural is so far from what God has in mind in order to receive the assistance of heaven on earth. For instance, when we appear to lack the necessary finances to pay our tithe and all of the rest of the bills, the first thought would be to pay the bills off and God will be alright. Well, God states to give, and it will be given back to you as well as to pay your tithes and prove God, that He won't open up the windows of heaven and meet your need abundantly. So a portion of what is already lacking has to be given away in obedience in order for God to meet the need.
In addition to giving according to God's standards, the same is true when it comes to being considered "great" in our society. A king or someone who is wealthy and well known is more than likely being waited on hand and foot. Because of their status, this may seem appropriate. However, this does not apply to us, as followers of Yeshua (Jesus). It will appear that once we have served in a ministry for sometime, made great accomplishments for the Kingdom of God, that we deserve a right to now be treated with prestige. Mark 10:43-45 states, "43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: 44And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." The word minister in this text means to serve.
We've been called to the greatest level of servanthood once we accept Yeshua (Jesus) as our Savior(redeemer) and our Lord( Master, or the One who instructs and directs and we humbly follow). If the King of Kings, Yeshua did not come to be served but to serve, how much more are we to give of ourselves for the greater good of all? We have to graciously and with all humility desire to have such a heart and the things that all of heaven will come and assist us with in this earth for God's glory are endless.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What Defines You
This is a little bit uncustomary for us to write a blog like this. Everywhere we go people begin conversations with their name then immediately transition into " so... where do you work." We think God is the least mentioned subject in the casual conversations that carry on before or after a church service in comparison to worldly things. We believe that these conversations should be more like " where is God working at in your life" rather than "where do you work" or anything else for that matter. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using our mind and body for honorable monetary gain. What is wrong is when we allow our employment to provide some sort of identity or even better, determine your "Self-worth." Our Identity is supposed to be hidden in Yeshua not in what we do for a living, that's called pride, Face it! I have seen people lose faith in God and return to old ways because employment was lost. Now I know that people aren't scared to lose these jobs because they feel like they are going to disappoint God but more on the side of fear for losing a well established social identity, money, material things and most of all comfort. It almost makes me wonder if God was really Lord and provider in their lives. I can recall Yeshua warning us not to care for the things of this world (Matt 6: 25-34).
Now I'm not saying lets go build huts out in the Forrest and put on sak cloth but what I am attempting to transpire is, lets put things in their proper order of importance. God, Family, Church then Work. Remember our job is not Jehovah Jireh. Our job is simply to provide seed to sow and take care of the bare essentials. Here is a little spiritual education on the matter... After the fall of man God began to inform Adam of the curse that his disobedience has brought on himself and everyman after him (Gen 3:19), this verse was a verse that stood out to me like a purple dinosaur. God told Adam that now "by the sweat of your brow will you eat bread until the day you return to the earth (die). While analyzing this scripture God began to show me that when He told Adam to tend to the garden, that the word tend was not the equivalent of work. To tend to means to effortlessly devote thorough attention toward something. So in other words Adams assignment was not laborious. Now one might ask, "didn't Yeshua die and redeem us from the curse of the law?" and my answer would be YES! but for some odd reason people seem to be blissfully treating the curse as if it were a blessing.
People tell me all the time that they are walking by faith and I always say that you don't know true faith unless you are actually walking in it. What if God instructed you to leave your family and go into a famine land or if He said to build an Ark when you have never seen rain or drop your fishing nets and follow Him. This is where true faith meets the road and where cosmetic faith is applied to the face. Obedience is far greater than sacrifice...
I finally understand why Yeshua said to the scribe that wanted to follow Him, " Foxes have holes and birds have nests but the Son of man hath no place to lay His head" and it was because He knew how much people are attached to things and worldly possessions. More over I believe Yeshua was attempting to show us how much these things can adversely affect our relationship with Him. We worship with our mouths but our hearts are far from Him. Sometimes we are no better than that gold digger wanting to be with a person because of what can be offered. Same as with salvation, we align with God for what He can offer (shame on us) and not for what we can offer up to Him.
The redemptive power on the cross of Jesus conferred the rights of the Kingdom of God (everything that is heavenly manifesting itself in our lives on earth such as healing (there is no sickness in heaven), prosperity( there is no poverty in heaven), etc.) back into our hands. However, the consequences of the original sin still exist. In this flesh, some believers will still die and will still have to work at something. The main issue is when the wrong focus has been placed on accomplishments in the natural defining who we are when our identity should be solely found in Yeshua.
Always in Love,
Kevin and Deon Myers
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