Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Totally Complete pt. 2
Often we tend to get caught paying attention and envying someone else’s assignment/ job and mentally attempting to figure out why so and so can do what they do and you can’t. I remember a business man once said “It was not meant for everyone to own businesses, if everyone were business owners, the economy would truly fall apart”…further saying “Who would work/ run the company? This is why employees and every other position are so necessary.” Image if every puzzle piece were cut into identical sizes and shapes, how interesting would it be to complete the puzzle at this point. Now with this being said the interesting part about employees and puzzles is that each piece and position has its individual function but woks together to accomplish one common goal. Christianity is frightenly similar to these examples; we have separate functions in this life but one common goal…To glorify God. We are by default designed to be productive as well as required to live holy, righteous, full of love, etc. ultimately establishing our identity as followers of Christ. I like to think of us as franchise owners; we own the individual establishment but must adhere to the guidelines given by headquarters or else our unit will not perform or produce the results intended by the creator of the enterprise. And when a few units misbehave, the entire institution receives a poor reputation making it almost impossible for expansion into needed areas. The franchises are usually known by a trademark, slogan or symbol which unifies and distinguishes them from the competition (in our case living holy, righteous and full of love is what will join and separate followers of The Most High from the enemy). My question to you is if I asked your co-workers what kind of person are you, would the words associated with holy be included in their description of you? The lesson for this week is: Take care of your God given assignment and don’t bad mouth someone because they have another responsibility that’s not like yours; we must remember that no one’s job is more important than another. When we are in position and manning our task, the rigors of completing a difficult puzzle can be assembled with ease.
Always in Love,
Kevin A. Myers Sr.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Totally Complete pt. 1
Last night I listened to Brother Livingston teach on the "Motivational Gifts of the Church" and began to put the pieces together that have long left me mind boggled. My question is; can a person possess a portion of all the gifts and offices of the body of Christ? Immediately I thought of Jesus. Yeshua came to be the ultimate example as well as the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus touched every fold of the ministry (Eph 4: 11-12) well within His three year run. Jesus also touched every spiritual gift (1Cor 12: 4-11) including the ultimate one called LOVE (1Cor 13). What was revealed to me is of course it is possible to hold a portion of all the gifs and offices in the body of Christ. As a matter of fact it is the most beneficial to God’s glory when we do operate in the fullness of our God given gifts and responsibilities. Apostle Paul began to compare these gifts and offices to a human body; by doing so his illustration illuminates with illustrious understanding. Every part of our mortal body is in some way different than any other member belonging to the same host but works together to establish wellbeing for the person and others. Now the interesting element is that the body can function with out certain members and of course this does not always ensure efficiency or that it is better off with out its member but it can certainly perform or operate as intended. Question; is a person with 10 fingers more efficient than a person with 9? Though the number of digits a person has can never determine their proficiency, one can conclude that the person with more fingers has the ability to be more effective. To take this topic even deeper; think about what is the ultimate equalizer in this case (in other words what is the one component that all members can’t survive without, arbitrarily eliminating the “I’m more important than you” complex). In this case the one thing that each member can not survive without is blood (and of course Oxygen, Water, etc.) and I believe the blood represents the common trait that we as mature believers are to acquire and operate in as we complete our individual functions(to be continued...)
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