Saturday, July 18, 2009

"I Am What You Don't See"

I beseech you my brethren now, as a servant of the “Most High God” to consider the words of this letter and allow them the ability to reveal who you are and what you have been created to be. Man I always wanted to do that (LOL). Moreover on a more important note; something has been happening to me in this process called “Christianity.” Lately God has revealed through His word and various resources this thing with our Lower Nature vs. our Super-Natural nature and I’m enjoying the excursion.

I was appalled by how many times the word “Nature and Super –Natural” were mentioned after this tour began. We all know that man is in a fallen state/ nature but do we understand how “fallen” our nature is? Take a gander at a few words chosen to set the atmosphere:

1. Nature (Wild): the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals, or rivers.
2. Nature (Human): the instincts or inherent tendencies directing conduct: a man of good nature.
3. Natural: having a real or physical existence, as opposed to one that is spiritual, intellectual, fictitious, etc.
4. Supernatural: of, pertaining to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.

To simply put it, our nature (Natural and Super-Natural) could be summed up in one word, “Behavior.” For all intensive purposes man was initially created pure and flawless for fellowship with the “Almighty” but after the great deception became flawed, tainted and now dead to God spiritually and also subject to death physically (Rom 5:12, 1Cor 15:21, Gen 3:19). The behavior of the first creations after disobeying God immediately revealed the lower fallen nature of mankind and cause them to try an hide themselves, place blame on the other and cover up their sin (WOW, Doesn’t this sound like our people today!). Adam and Eve’s sin separated them from God and they were no longer acceptable in His sight, so much so till the two were evicted from their dwelling place and punished.

Somebody help me say “Thank You Jesus” for redeeming us from this fallen state of hopelessness (Eph 2:12-13).

With this being said it thus reveals that our 1st nature is not natural but spiritual and our 2nd nature is natural and dead to spiritual things (This stands to confirm when people say “ you did that so good till it looked like second nature to you” well it is in most cases). This also confirms why super-natural things cannot be comprehended nor received by the average lower natured person (Rom 8: 5-11). In other words before being born again and baptized, the norm for everyone is flesh oriented and limited to the natural laws of this world (i.e. gravity, sickness, poverty, etc.)

After confessing Jesus as Lord and being redeemed from the law of sin and death the norm from that point forward is super-natural and not the fictional stuff in movies which make us all numb to the fullness of our 1st nature. If we all can grasp the next few sentences in its entirety I honestly know that the dominion that belongs to us will be utilized. All it takes is to slowly visualize God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit creating you and then living on the inside of you; so now your words are to be used like God uses them (creating, blessing, directing the enemy and never returning void) and your actions are as God’s.

Think on These:
• Created in His Image (Gen 1: 26)
• Image: Physical Identity/ Representation
• According: Agreeing with
• Likeness: Spiritual Identity

(Our Physical Identity Agrees with the Godheads Spiritual Identity) WOW

Your Spirit cannot sin But what you do in the natural can affect your Spiritual destination! (1 John 3: 9). This is why, when you do something out of your spiritual nature or what you have been created, God is displeased; (i.e. homosexuality, lying, murder, bestiality, gossip/ idle dead words etc.) We are supposed to be reflections of God in Heaven on earth and the behaviors of the lower nature just don’t cut it.

We need to value what we have been created to be, naturally go after it, and Spiritually Possess it!

Always in Love,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"You Will Know Them"

Jesus said in (Matt 7:15-20)"You will know them by their fruit" (False Prophets); every good prophet will bear good fruit and vice versa. Now on another note this good and bad fruit principle applies to the lay person as well. God showed me that a tree can never on its own change what type of fruit it can bear but what it does have control of is how far it can develop its fruit.

We all know that fruit casted before its time are not tasteful but fruit that have matured to ripeness are very pleasant and satisfying. A person can tell whether or not the fruit is ready most times by its attributes (i.e. appearance, reaction to certain test, size, color, texture, time, season etc.). Also fruit can never return to the size prior to its present state unless it is beginning to die. Some fruit will remain a certain size for a period of time due to lack of vital supplements needed for survival (i.e. food, light, water, soil, weeding, protection from predators, etc.).

So a person is known by their fruit by a seasoned individual or Pastor/Farmer/Sheppard operating in the gifts of the spirit, judging what stage the fruit is in (blade, ear, full ear of corn). So a persons fruit does not change it just confirms what stage it is in by way of its attributes.

If a Christian says something rude, has a bad attitude, react in a irrational manner, or gets angry over small things on a non-consistent basis does not make them any less of a Christian it simply reveals what stage of the process they are in.

Always in Love,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Based upon my extensive research I have concluded that everyone thinks that they are right! The question that I discovered to be irrefutable is this, “Which one is the most right or is the most true?” In any situation or discussion you will find that both parties will have justifiable reasoning and or facts but the underlying factor is which of the two can prove themselves with more hardcore evidence than the other. This project has the potential to end all idle bouts big or small, in the years to come without any bloodshed.

Jesus said that “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). When I broke those three key words down (way, truth and life) here is what was found.


• Way- (Hodos): Road/ Journey
• Truth-(Aletheia): Most Accurate Truth/ Verity
• Life-(Zoe`): Quick/Time

* Now read it backwards and place Jesus’ name first and it will go like this*

(Jesus is the quickest, most accurate road to Heaven)

Wow. When the Holy Spirit showed me this I had just about ran around the room in total joy. Now this means one thing and it bothers me to think about it; if Jesus stated that He is the “Most Accurate” then there must be one that has some truth but is not as accurate as He is. Maybe this is why the Word of God even says that God is the most high God (Gen 14:18, Ps 47:2, Dan 4:17) because we all know that there is a god of this world that is neither accurate nor high!

What’s more astonishing is the use of the Bible in our judicial system here in the United States. I wonder why the Qur'an or any other book wasn’t used. Maybe it’s because the Bible states that it is the Truth (2 Tim 2:15).

What did satan use to trick Adam and Eve? He deceived Eve with a less accurate portion of the truth and they believed him. A large majority of this world states that the anti-christ will make people put the mark on their forehead or hand; this is not true, the Bible says (Rev 13:16) that he will “Cause” all to “Receive” the mark! The words cause and receive placed in the same sentence does not merit any forceful behavior but on the contrary it does imply deception and trickery. It’s the only tool that a defeated foe can use!

Here is how all of this can help. Whenever there maybe a disagreement don’t rush to conclude that one side is right without justly looking at the evidence and considering the intentions of both parties. You will be amazed at how both individuals never stop and bear in mind that the other person may think that they are doing or saying what seems to be right at that very moment and the only way to ratify the situation is to find out which one is the most accurate truth! God Bless.

(suggested reading John 8:32 & John 8:44)

Always in Love,